Скачать книгу - The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors. How to Use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to Build and Grow Your Business

Expert advice for financial advisors looking to make the most of social media platforms Social media is everywhere. 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook each week, 22 million professionals are networking on LinkedIn, and 140 million tweets are posted every day. The opportunities these platforms present for financial advisors are huge, but most advisors have no idea how to use them to build bigger, stronger client bases. The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors: How to Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Build and Grow Your Business shows how to make the most of these new tools, offering invaluable advice about how to connect with potential clients in the twenty first century. For most advisors, converting prospects into clients is their top priority, and social media presents incredible opportunities for sealing the deal. Sales don't happen because clients are impressed by complicated charts, they happen because they're impressed by your social media presence, and by properly understanding how to make these new platforms work for you, you'll be positioned to see your business boom. Designed to teach financial advisors how to use social media to better market their services to attract new clients and referrals Presents expert communication advice from top financial advisor coach Matthew Halloran Categorizes communicators in a unique new way Teaches financial advisors how to use social media in new, highly effective ways that they've never even considered An essential resource for wealth managers and financial advisors looking to amplify their marketing message and raise their visibility in a crowded marketplace, The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors is the only book you need to make yourself heard.

The SAP R/3 Handbook, Second Edition The SAP R/3 Handbook, Second Edition

Автор: Jos? Antonio Hern?ndez

Год издания: 

Other enhancements and options that have been added and that you can find in this book are related to subjects such as the following: Availability is increased, and there are now further options for distributing the system, along with new powerful platforms. ? There is a new change and transport system, including all the facilities of the Transport Management System (TMS). ? In the ABAP workbench, there are a host of new utilities, a stepforward object?oriented ABAP, the replacement of matchcodes with search helps, and more. ? Windows NT is now a very popular platform with thousands of customers. For this reason, this new edition is operating system independent, dealing with both UNIX and Windows NT where appropriate. ? ? The authorization system and administrator duties have been facilitated with the profile generator. ? Since release 4.0 there is a new object?based monitoring architecture and alert monitors. ? The well?known OSS has now become SAPnet, with two variants: R/3 front end and Web front end. In this edition you will find lots of new things to discover and enjoy. I hope you enjoy this book and enjoySAP.

Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

Год издания: 

The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

 Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL/SQL Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL/SQL

Автор: Mark Scardina

Год издания: 

Written by members of the Oracle XML group, this is a must-have reference for all IT managers, DBAs, and developers who want to learn the best practices for using XML with Oracle’s XML-enabled products. Includes real-world case studies based on theauthors’ experience managing Oracle’s XML Discussion Forum - a community of 20,000+ XML component users.

Использование Macromedia Flash MX. Специальное издание. Использование Macromedia Flash MX. Специальное издание.

Автор: Гурвиц Майкл

Год издания: 

написанное руководство по Flash MX. Эта книга поможет вам в самом начале пути освоения Flash MX и останется ценным источником информации, даже когда вы станете настоящим мастером. На компакт-диске, прелагаемом к книге, содержатся файлы примеров, множество полезных программ, рассматриваемых в книге, а также Web-ссылки, посвященные данному вопросу. Использование Macromedia Flash MX - это именно та книга, которая будет полезна любому профессиональному Web-дизайнеру, разработчику и аниматору.

Самоучитель Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Самоучитель Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

Автор: Владимир Дронов

Год издания: 

Описывается работа в новой версии визуального Web-редактора Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. Книга организована в виде 14 занятий по Web-дизайну. Рассмотрены современные стандарты Интернета, интерфейс программы, создание страниц и сайтов, работа с текстами, графикой, таблицами и стилями, различные виды Web-дизайна: фреймовый, табличный и контейнерный. Освещены вопросы использования шаблонов, плавающих и свободно позиционируемых контейнеров, разработки Web-сценариев. Уже с первых страниц начинающий пользователь может быстро приступить к работе и создать простейший Web-сайт. Изучение всего материала книги позволит читателю создавать современные Web-сайты с оформлением, приближенным к полиграфическому. Особую ценность имеют полезные советы автора, маленькие хитрости и нетрадиционные приемы Web-верстки. Для начинающих Web-дизайнеров.