Скачать книгу - How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behavior (K-8). Practical, Ready-to-Use Interventions That Work

Interventions for students who exhibit challenging behavior Written by behavior specialists Kaye Otten and Jodie Tuttle–who together have 40 years of experience working with students with challenging behavior in classroom settings–this book offers educators a practical approach to managing problem behavior in schools. It is filled with down-to-earth advice, ready-to-use forms, troubleshooting tips, recommended resources, and teacher-tested strategies. Using this book, teachers are better able to intervene proactively, efficiently, and effectively with students exhibiting behavior problems. The book includes research-backed support for educators and offers: Instructions for creating and implementing an effective class-wide behavior management program Guidelines for developing engaging lessons and activities that teach and support positive behavior Advice for assisting students with the self-regulation and management their behavior and emotions

Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes

Автор: Simon Sharpe

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Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes covers general tasks including basic navigation skills, working with master data, and running reports. With timesaving tips, plain english definitions, panic button advice, and easy-to-follow tutorials that can be completed in 10 minutes or less, you will be immediately productive. This book covers the general SAP functions that every end-user of SAP-based applications must know. It focuses on the user interface, access issues, and basic navigation skills using mini-tutorials. You’ll learn all the essential tasks for running SAP-based applications smoothly and easily. Ten minutes is all you need to learn how to log on to SAP R/3, access the SAP R/3 modules, use basic navigation skills, work with master data, generate reports, read and interpret common error messages, and access extensive online help features.

Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications

Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

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The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes) Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)

Автор: Burke Dorothy

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Book Description In today's fast paced world, we're lucky to get spare time each day to think, relax, read, take a nap...Who has time to learn something new? You do. Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes is an essential reference guideto Lotus Notes 7 with practical answers for people who need fast results. Broken into concise ten minutes sections, you will learn about the features of Lotus Notes 7, including: E-mail Calendar Web Conferencing TeamRoom Discussion Templates Discover Folders Discover and master the use of features that you didn't even know existed with Sams Teach Yourself Lotus Notes 7 in 10 Minutes.

The teachings of don Juan The teachings of don Juan

Автор: Castaneda Carlos

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Цвет ready-made, или Теория и практика цвета Цвет ready-made, или Теория и практика цвета

Автор: Стефанов Стефан, Тихонов Валерий

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Издание посвящено проблеме цвета и его воспроизведения полиграфическими средствами с наилучшим качеством. Подобное полное издание о цвете в России выпускается впервые. Авторы добились в изложении материала успешного сочетания необходимых теоретических и практических знаний и освещения предмета в комплексе. Издание затрагивает такие вопросы, как условия восприятия цвета и их контроль, цветное изображение на оригинале и полиграфическом оттиске, сканирование и градационные преобразования, цветоделение и синтез цвета на оттиске, растрирование, растровые структуры и растровые изображения с регулярным, нерегулярным и стохастическим растром, лазерные экспонирующие выводные устройства и многие другие. Издание построено в форме коротких глав, чтобы можно было осваивать материал последовательно при самообразовании или выборочно, в качестве справочного пособия при уточнении и расширении знаний. Книга, несомненно, будет полезна полиграфистам, всем специалистам, работающим с цветом, заказчикам полиграфии. Издание допущено Учебно-методическим объединением по образованию в области полиграфии и книжного дела для студентов высших учебных заведений по специальности "Технология полиграфического производства" в качестве учебного пособия.