The book is an analysis of the controversial Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and explains in easy to understand language what the bailout bill means for individuals. $700 Billion Bailout answers questions such as: What does the bill say, exactly? Who is making decisions about how the $700 billion will be spent, and what does it mean now that the government is investing directly in our banks? Who’s footing the bill? What is the impact on homeowners, businesses, retirement, and taxes? Where do I put my money in the meantime? Veteran reporter Paul Muolo shows both the challenges and opportunities of the credit crisis and proposed bailout, including its impact on: Mortgages: While rates may be lower, there will be more fees imposed on mortgages. Lenders will be far more cautious in lending, and people who cannot meet their mortgages are likely to lose these homes. This may create a “contrarian” plays in foreclosures and vacation homes.. Stocks and Other Investments: Is now the time to get into the stock market or is it safer to stick with CDs, bonds, and gold? Taxes: With the tax breaks, there will be less tax revenue leading to a huge shortfall to the government over the next few years. He will offer insight into these areas and many others, including how the structure of the bailout bill allows for unprecedented authority that has altered the financial landscape, perhaps permanently. Will the plan work, and how we can prevent this from happening again remains to be seen, but with $700 Billion Bailout Paul Muolo gives us a critical tool for deciphering perhaps the most sweeping piece of legislation since the Patriot Act. Получить ссылку |
Money, или азбука денег
Автор: Бодо Шефер
Год издания:
"Детская книга для взрослых?" - удивленно спросят некоторые читатели. Ответ на этот вопрос будет утвердительным. Почему бы и нет, если финансовый гений Бодо Шефер может с помощью детской сказки сделать путь к богатству простым и доступным!
Взрослый читатель очень быстро заметит, что советы и рассуждения Шефера вполне пригодны и для него, что и "большим" здесь есть чему поучиться. Маленькая Кира и ее друзья - герои нашей истории - узнают, как следует обращаться с деньгами, как можно их приумножить и как избавиться от долгов Они видят, какие убеждения необходимы для того, чтобы улучшить свою финансовую ситуацию, чтобы обеспеченная жизнь не оставалась недостижимой мечтой, Бодо Шефер легко и понятно описывает путь к благосостоянию, так что его уроки можно усвоить в кратчайшее время.
И прежде всего: эта книга доказывает, что занятие финансовыми вопросами может доставить удовольствие!
WebMoney. Руководство пользователя
Автор: Коллектив
Год издания:
WebMoney. Руководство пользователя. Иллюстрированное руководство пользователя системой WebMoney будет полезно как начинающим, так и продвинутым пользователям. Даются подробные иллюстрированные инструкции по подключению, осуществлению платежей-трансфертов, по возможным вариантам заработков в системе, пополнению счетов и обналичиванию средств, накопленных в системе WebMoney.
Дополнительно подробно рассматривается работа с кошельками, программами WebMoney Keeper Classic и WebMoney Keeper Light.
Все инструкции просты и понятны. На каждой странице присутствуют рисунки и подробные объяснения, есть рабочие ссылки на официальные ресурсы системы WebMoney, что позволяет на практике проверять полученные знания и при необходимости скачивать программы.
Emergency assistance for road accident, in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Useful features of the book
Brief information on human physiology and anatomy
- Musculoskeletal system
- Cardiovascular system
- Composition of blood
- Respiratory organs
First aid kit
- Standard kit of first-aid kit according to the legislation of Ukraine
- Standard kit of the first aid kit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
- Means that can be completed with the first aid kit
Action plans
- Actions of the driver in case of an accident: legal aspects
- If the ambulance does not last long
- If the ambulance has to wait a long time
First aid
- Clinical death
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Coma
- Internal bleeding
- Traumatic shock
- Stroke
- Myocardial infarction
- Angina pectoris
- External bleeding
- Overlay bandages
- Bleeding from the nose, ear
- Craniocerebral trauma
- Abdominal trauma
- Chest injuries
- Injuries to the spine and spinal cord
- Pelvic injuries
- Long-term compression syndrome
- Thermal burns
- Chemical burns
- Contusion
- Dislocation
- Open fracture
- Closed fracture
- Ensuring the immobility of injured limbs
- Sprain stretching
- Help to the drowned man
Transportation of the victim
Removing clothes and shoes
Release from a sinking car
Various incidents
- Food poisoning
- Exhaust gas poisoning
- Poisoning by oil products
- Injury when working with batteries
- Thermal shock
- Cold
- Fainting
- Foreign body in the respiratory tract
- Insect bites
Ways to combat fatigue while driving
The effect of alcohol and drug on the brain and the nervous system
- Excerpts from the Rules of road traffic of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus,
- containing requirements for driver actions in case of an accident
- Excerpts from normative legal acts of Ukraine and Russia,
- regulating the composition of medical kits of vehicles
- Answers to questions on the topic "Providing first aid"
- in tickets for the theoretical exam for the right to manage transport
- means for Ukraine, Russia and Belarus
Theory and practical aspects of Internationa settlements. Economic cooperation
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
As part of the dynamics of international economic cooperation by the need for mutual settlement operations, so the problem of organization of settlements is an important place for the economically active subjects, especially in a globalized economic space in the functioning of transnational structures and scale of the export, import and international financial transactions. In agreeing on the order of calculations, the participants determined the form of payment in order to fulfill the financial obligations of the agreement – regulated by means of voluntary compliance through a credit institution liabilities, characterized by specific features on the order of transfer of funds to the account, a certain kind of settlement document, as well as office procedures. The source of payment relations is the need to have one contractor expressed in the appropriate disposition, the other in shortage. This relationship gives rise as a consequence of the relationship with the lending institution. Need to accession will intensify in the subjects of international payment relationship.
The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
Existentialism proclaims the idea of a man present, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. In the process of economic activity a person is faced with the action of their own will influence other areas of the will of the active agents. He needs arise that require his satisfaction, he is involved in the economic cycle, some of which sectors are investigated in this study, namely: entrepreneurship, as a consequence of the implementation of a new combination of natural factors, business risk as a source of entrepreneurial profit and a catalyst for economic activity, business as routine economic activities aimed at developing the existing building, international business, as economic activity is possible at a potential that is created by public constraints, international payments, as the movement of financial resources for a business, writ proceedings, as inevitable, the procedure of execution of mutual obligations with the participation of the public entity, collateral relations, as security relationships that create a safety buffer for the counterparty.
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