Скачать книгу - Credit Risk Assessment. The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders, and Investors

Clark and Mingyuan start with an insightful and comprehensive description of how market participants contributed to the current crisis in the residential mortgage markets and the root causes of the crisis. They then proceed to develop a new residential mortgage lending system that can fix our broken markets because it addresses the root causes. The most impressive attributes of their new system is its commonsense return to the basics of traditional underwriting, combined with factors based on expert judgment and statistics and forward-looking attributes, all of which can be updated as markets change. The whole process is transparent to the borrower, lender, and investor. —Dean Schultz, President and CEO, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco «The credit market crisis of 2008 has deeply affected the economic lives of every American. Yet, its underlying causes and its surface features are so complex that many observers and even policymakers barely understand them. This timely book will help guide nonspecialists through the workings of financial markets, particularly how they value, price, and distribute risk.» —Professor William Greene, Stern School of Business, New York University «This book is a well-timed departure from much of what is being written today regarding the current foreclosure and credit crisis. Rather than attempting to blame lenders, borrowers, and/or federal regulators for the mortgage meltdown and the subsequent impacts on the financial markets, Clark and Mingyuan have proposed a groundbreaking new framework to revolutionize our current lending system. The book is built on the authors' deep understanding of risk and the models used for credit analysis, and reflects their commitment to solve the problem. What I find most profound is their passion to develop a system that will facilitate new and better investment, especially in underserved urban markets that have been disproportionately impacted in the current crisis. I applaud the authors for this important work, and urge practitioners and theorists alike to investigate this new approach.» —John Talmage, President and CEO, Social Compact «In the wake of the credit crisis, it is clear that transparency is the key to not repeating history. In Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders and Investors, Clark Abrahams and Mingyuan Zhang describe a new lending framework that seeks to connect all the players in the lending chain and provide a more holistic view of customers' risk potential. As the financial services industry recovers from the mortgage meltdown, the Abrahams/Zhang lending model certainly offers some new food for thought to laymen and professionals alike.» —Maria Bruno-Britz, Senior Editor, Bank Systems & Technology magazine

Моделирование электротехнических устройств в Matlab, SimPowerSystems и Simulink Моделирование электротехнических устройств в Matlab, SimPowerSystems и Simulink

Автор: Черных И.В.

Год издания: 

В книге содержится описание прикладной программы Simulink и библиотеки блоков SimPowerSystems, предназначенной для моделирования электротехнических устройств и систем. Рассматривается методика создания моделей с помощью графического интерфейса программы, описаны методы расчета моделей, подробно освещена методика создания электротехнических блоков пользователя. Даны основные команды для управления моделью из ядра пакета MATLAB, рассмотрен механизм выполнения расчета модели, приводятся советы автора по применению программы. Книга включает в себя большое количество примеров, поясняющих работу блоков и методику создания модели.

Toyota Sequoia with 2008, instruction for navigation system in eBook Toyota Sequoia with 2008, instruction for navigation system in eBook

Автор: Монолит

Год издания: 


Basic functions

  • Home screen
  • Touch screen control
  • Entering alphabet letters and numbers / list of operations performed on the screen
  • Explanatory function
  • Managing the map screen
  • Destination information
  • Switching screens
  • Screen configurations
  • Compass mode
  • Map scale
  • Legend on the map
Search for a destination
  • Quick link (destination screen)
  • Search for a destination
  • Selecting the search area on the destination screen
  • Selecting the search area on the destination screen
  • Search for a destination with the home button
  • Search for a destination with the quick access button
  • Search for a destination with the "Address" button.
  • Click "City"
  • Search for a destination with the "POI Category" button
  • Search for a destination with the "Emergency" button
  • Search for a destination with the "Memory" button
  • Search for a destination with the "Map" button
  • Search for a destination with the "Intersection" button
  • Search for a destination with the "Freeway Ent./Exit" button
  • Search for a destination using the coordinates button (coordinates)
  • Search for your destination with the phone button
  • Starting the guide
Define a route
  • The route determination screen
  • Other information
  • Cornering information
  • Distance and time to destination
  • Set up and delete a destination
  • Adding new destinations
  • Redistribution of destination
  • Deleting a destination
  • Configuring the route
  • Search for a route
  • Setting up the bypass
  • Conditions for determining the route
  • Beginning of the route along the route from the adjacent street
  • View a map
  • Pointer symbols
  • Selecting the type of pointer symbols you need
Advanced features
  • To disable
  • To resume
  • User registration
  • User change
  • Deleting a user
  • Sound icons
  • Displaying the names of points on the map
  • Displaying area names for detours
  • Units of measure
  • Estimated driving time
  • Keyboard layout
  • Time zone
  • Off function (screen interface setting)
  • Change the category of pointer symbols (POI). Displaying icons
  • Service companies
  • Displaying the outline of buildings
  • Notifications about seasonal traffic restrictions
  • Guide to the voice recognition system
  • Voice prompt system for all modes
  • Automatic voice messaging system
  • Pop-up messages
  • Calibration of the current position of a car or a new wheel
  • Calibration of position / direction
  • Calibration of new wheels
Other functions
  • Maintenance information
  • Maintenance settings
  • Information buttons
  • Dealer settings
  • Calendar with reminders
  • Add a new reminder
  • Editing a reminder
  • List of reminders
  • Hands-free system
  • The screen is equipped with a built-in Bluetooth® antenna
  • To connect a mobile phone to the system
  • Connecting a mobile phone
  • Changing phone settings
  • Connecting a mobile phone to the system
  • Voice command system
  • Help
  • Screen adjustment
  • Display settings
  • Beep settings
  • Language selection
Audio / video system
  • Quick reference
  • Using an audio / video system
  • Automatic volume control
  • Radio
  • CD changer
  • DVD player
  • Practical recommendations for working with an audio / video system
  • Radio reception
Rear view monitor
  • Rear view monitor

Моделирование электротехнических устройств в MATLAB, SimPowerSystems и Simulink Моделирование электротехнических устройств в MATLAB, SimPowerSystems и Simulink

Автор: Илья Викторович Черных

Год издания: 

В книге содержится описание прикладной программы Simulink и библиотеки блоков SimPowerSystems, предназначенной для моделирования электротехнических устройств и систем. Рассматривается методика создания моделей с помощью графического интерфейса программы, описаны методы расчета моделей, подробно освещена методика создания электротехнических блоков пользователя. Даны основные команды для управления моделью из ядра пакета MATLAB, рассмотрен механизм выполнения расчета модели, приводятся советы автора по применению программы. Книга включает в себя большое количество примеров, поясняющих работу блоков и методику создания модели. Издание предназначено для инженеров, научных работников, аспирантов и студентов, занимающихся моделированием в области электротехники.

Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures

Автор: Николай Камзин

Год издания: 

The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.

Пакеты расширения Matlab. Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox Пакеты расширения Matlab. Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox

Автор: В. М. Перельмутер

Год издания: 

В книге описаны пакеты расширения Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox системы MATLAB 7, предназначенные для анализа и синтеза систем управления. Коротко изложены основные теоретические положения, принятые при разработке указанных пакетов расширения. Приведены многочисленные примеры использования этих пакетов расширения для решения конкретных задач с подробным пояснением выполняемых операций. Показаны возможности совместного использования пакетов Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox с пакетом Simulink, что увеличивает возможности всех трех указанных пакетов расширения. Книга может быть использована студентами вузов соответствующих специальностей при курсовом и дипломном проектировании, инженерами и научными работниками при создании новых и исследованиях уже разработанных систем автоматического управления. Книга рассчитана как на начинающих, так и на достаточно опытных пользователей.