Technology has revolutionised every aspect of our lives and how we learn is no exception. The trouble is; the range of elearning technologies and the options available can seem bewildering. Even those who are highly experienced in one aspect of elearning will lack knowledge in some other areas. Wouldn’t it be great if you could access the hard-won knowledge, practical guidance and helpful tips of world-leading experts in these fields? Edited by Rob Hubbard and featuring chapters written by global elearning experts: Clive Shepherd, Laura Overton, Jane Bozarth, Lars Hyland, Rob Hubbard, Julie Wedgwood, Jane Hart, Colin Steed, Clark Quinn, Ben Betts and Charles Jennings – this book is a practical guide to all the key topics in elearning, including: getting the business on board, building it yourself, learning management, blended, social, informal, mobile and game-based learning, facilitating online learning, making the most of memory and more. Получить ссылку |
The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language
Автор: Eleonora Ivanova
Год издания:
Начальный курс болгарского языка для иностранцев, включающий в себя 25 уроков (с текстами, диалогами, грамматическими комментариями и упражнениями), приложения и словарь. В приложениях содержатся тексты для дополнительной работы, краткий справочник по морфологии, а также иллюстрированную подборку бытовой лексики по ряду тем.
Аудиоматериалы записаны болгарскими дикторами и актерами без использования английского языка.
Все тексты звучат в естественном темпе, с безупречными произношением и интонацией.
Toyota Sequoia with 2008, instruction for navigation system in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Basic functions
- Home screen
- Touch screen control
- Entering alphabet letters and numbers / list of operations performed on the screen
- Explanatory function
- Managing the map screen
- Destination information
- Switching screens
- Screen configurations
- Compass mode
- Map scale
- Legend on the map
Search for a destination
- Quick link (destination screen)
- Search for a destination
- Selecting the search area on the destination screen
- Selecting the search area on the destination screen
- Search for a destination with the home button
- Search for a destination with the quick access button
- Search for a destination with the "Address" button.
- Click "City"
- Search for a destination with the "POI Category" button
- Search for a destination with the "Emergency" button
- Search for a destination with the "Memory" button
- Search for a destination with the "Map" button
- Search for a destination with the "Intersection" button
- Search for a destination with the "Freeway Ent./Exit" button
- Search for a destination using the coordinates button (coordinates)
- Search for your destination with the phone button
- Starting the guide
Define a route
- The route determination screen
- Other information
- Cornering information
- Distance and time to destination
- Set up and delete a destination
- Adding new destinations
- Redistribution of destination
- Deleting a destination
- Configuring the route
- Search for a route
- Setting up the bypass
- Conditions for determining the route
- Beginning of the route along the route from the adjacent street
- View a map
- Pointer symbols
- Selecting the type of pointer symbols you need
Advanced features
- To disable
- To resume
- User registration
- User change
- Deleting a user
- Sound icons
- Displaying the names of points on the map
- Displaying area names for detours
- Units of measure
- Estimated driving time
- Keyboard layout
- Time zone
- Off function (screen interface setting)
- Change the category of pointer symbols (POI). Displaying icons
- Service companies
- Displaying the outline of buildings
- Notifications about seasonal traffic restrictions
- Guide to the voice recognition system
- Voice prompt system for all modes
- Automatic voice messaging system
- Pop-up messages
- Calibration of the current position of a car or a new wheel
- Calibration of position / direction
- Calibration of new wheels
Other functions
- Maintenance information
- Maintenance settings
- Information buttons
- Dealer settings
- Calendar with reminders
- Add a new reminder
- Editing a reminder
- List of reminders
- Hands-free system
- The screen is equipped with a built-in Bluetooth® antenna
- To connect a mobile phone to the system
- Connecting a mobile phone
- Changing phone settings
- Connecting a mobile phone to the system
- Voice command system
- Help
- Screen adjustment
- Display settings
- Beep settings
- Language selection
Audio / video system
- Quick reference
- Using an audio / video system
- Automatic volume control
- Radio
- CD changer
- DVD player
- Practical recommendations for working with an audio / video system
- Radio reception
Rear view monitor
Google App Engine Java и Google Web Toolkit: разработка Web-приложений
Автор: Тимур Машнин
Год издания:
Книга посвящена разработке Web-приложений для платформы Google App Engine и на основе фреймворка Google Web Toolkit на языке программирования Java и с использованием среды разработки Eclipse. Рассмотрено создание проектов и запуск GWT-приложений и приложений для Google App Engine. Описано использование программного интерфейса служб платформы Google App Engine, создание GUI-интерфейса на основе фреймворка Google Web Toolkit, оптимизация и интернационализация GWT-приложения. Показано применение фреймворков UiBinder и Activities and Places для разработки клиентской части GWT-приложения, а также фреймворков GWT RPC и RequestFactory для разработки серверной части GWT-приложения. Материал книги сопровождается большим количеством примеров с подробным анализом исходных кодов. Для программистов.
English Grammar. Reference & Practice
Автор: Алла Берестова
Год издания:
Учебник по грамматике английского языка для школьников и студентов с различным уровнем подготовки. Оригинальная сопоставительная методика; опора на родной язык; многообразие примеров и таблиц; более 500 упражнений.
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