Скачать книгу - The All-New Real Estate Foreclosure, Short-Selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Positive Cash Flow Book. Your Ultimate Guide to Making Money in a Crashing Market

Praise for How to Sell Your Home Without a Broker «On a scale of 1 to 10, this book is a 10.» —Robert Bruss Jump into the real estate game—and win big! Home values are crashing and foreclosures are way up. You might think this is a terrible time to get into the real estate market—but you'd be wrong! A crashing real estate market offers plenty of opportunity to profit, if you know how to change your strategy and adjust to the new market reality. In The All-New Real Estate Foreclosure, Short-Selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Positive Cash Flow Book, top real estate investors and authors Chantal and Bill Carey show you how to get in safely and get out profitably. They present four new strategies for taking advantage of today's high foreclosure rate and explain how to invest for the long-term as the market resets to more realistic levels. Novice investors will find plenty of strategies for profiting without risking all they have, and old hands will find new, unconventional techniques that will help them continue to profit even if the market continues to struggle. Inside, you'll learn how to: Combine short-term and long-term investing strategies for cash flow today and tomorrow Buy mortgages in foreclosure at rock-bottom short-sale prices Avoid dealing with lenders by using the seller as your banker Utilize the right type of real estate auction for your investment needs Maximize your cash flow for big profits now and in the future Prepare yourself to profit from rising prices and near-term inflation Whether you're a first-timer or an experienced real estate pro, this is the ultimate guide to getting into the real estate market safely and cheaply—and getting out rich!

Testing SAP R/3
A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide Testing SAP R/3 A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide


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Planning, preparing, scheduling, and executing SAP test cycles is a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor that requires participation from several project members. SAP projects are prone to have informal, ad-hoc test approaches that decrease the stability of the production environment and tend to increase the cost of ownership for the SAP system. Many SAP project and test managers cannot provide answers for questions such as how many requirements have testing coverage, the exit criteria for a test phase, the audit trails for test results, the dependencies and correct sequence for executing test cases, or the cost figures for a previously executed test cycle. Fortunately, through established testing techniques predicated on guidelines and methodologies (i.e., ASAP SAP Roadmap methodology, IBM’s Ascendant methodology, and Deloitte’s ThreadManager methodology), enforcement of standards, application of objective testing criteria, test case automation, implementation of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM), and independent testing and formation of centralized test teams, many of the testing risks that plague existing or initial SAP programs can be significantly reduced. This book is written for SAP managers, SAP consultants, SAP testers, and team leaders who are tasked with supporting, managing, implementing, and monitoring testing activities related to test planning, test design, test automation, test tool management, execution of test cases, reporting of test results, test outsourcing, planning a budget for testing activities, enforcing testing standards, and resolving defects.

Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide


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Two new Oracle instruction and resource titles from Osborne/McGraw-Hill are indispensable additions to personal and professional reference collections. Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide is the collective effort of Oracle experts Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey and Michael Corey. Oracle Database 10g provides neophytes with the fundamental concepts of Oracle Database 10g administration and programming. Through self-paced tutorials, readers will learn about database essentials, the role of the administrator, and large database features. Oracle Database 10g includes an in-depth introduction to SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and XML programming.

Money, или азбука денег Money, или азбука денег

Автор: Бодо Шефер

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"Детская книга для взрослых?" - удивленно спросят некоторые читатели. Ответ на этот вопрос будет утвердительным. Почему бы и нет, если финансовый гений Бодо Шефер может с помощью детской сказки сделать путь к богатству простым и доступным! Взрослый читатель очень быстро заметит, что советы и рассуждения Шефера вполне пригодны и для него, что и "большим" здесь есть чему поучиться. Маленькая Кира и ее друзья - герои нашей истории - узнают, как следует обращаться с деньгами, как можно их приумножить и как избавиться от долгов Они видят, какие убеждения необходимы для того, чтобы улучшить свою финансовую ситуацию, чтобы обеспеченная жизнь не оставалась недостижимой мечтой, Бодо Шефер легко и понятно описывает путь к благосостоянию, так что его уроки можно усвоить в кратчайшее время. И прежде всего: эта книга доказывает, что занятие финансовыми вопросами может доставить удовольствие!

How to Draw Comic Book. Heroes and Villains How to Draw Comic Book. Heroes and Villains

Автор: Hart Christopher

Год издания: 

Aspiring comic artists receive a fine how-to-draw guide which provides lessons from other comic book artists on how to draw heroes and monsters. From monster anatomy to action scenes, this includes many specific tips.

WebMoney. Руководство пользователя WebMoney. Руководство пользователя

Автор: Коллектив

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WebMoney. Руководство пользователя. Иллюстрированное руководство пользователя системой WebMoney будет полезно как начинающим, так и продвинутым пользователям. Даются подробные иллюстрированные инструкции по подключению, осуществлению платежей-трансфертов, по возможным вариантам заработков в системе, пополнению счетов и обналичиванию средств, накопленных в системе WebMoney. Дополнительно подробно рассматривается работа с кошельками, программами WebMoney Keeper Classic и WebMoney Keeper Light. Все инструкции просты и понятны. На каждой странице присутствуют рисунки и подробные объяснения, есть рабочие ссылки на официальные ресурсы системы WebMoney, что позволяет на практике проверять полученные знания и при необходимости скачивать программы.