Скачать книгу - Fishing for Dummies

Make fishing easier and more rewarding every time you pick up your rod and reel No one can promise that you will catch fish all the time. For as long as we've been catching fish, fish have been outsmarting us. But there are tips and pointers that even the most seasoned anglers can pick up! Fishing For Dummies helps you prepare for what awaits beyond the shore. From trout to carp and bass to bonefish, you'll get coverage of the latest and greatest techniques to fish like a pro. The latest in fishing line and equipment technology, including new electronics and gadgets An expanded section on casting methods for spinning tackle and bait casting 8 pages of full-color fish illustrations If you're one of the millions of people who enjoy fishing, whether for fun or sport, this hands-on, friendly guide gives you everything you need to keep «The Big One» from getting away!

Human Being Theory. For Dummies Human Being Theory. For Dummies

Автор: Jacob Feldman

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Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.

Pearl-Fishing; Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words; First Series Pearl-Fishing; Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words; First Series

Автор: Чарльз Диккенс

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Pearl-Fishing; Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words; Second Series Pearl-Fishing; Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words; Second Series

Автор: Чарльз Диккенс

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iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies

Автор: Sebastian Schroer

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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerat, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wunschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schutzen. Au?erdem verrat Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spa? machen!

Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies

Автор: Rainer W. Schwabe

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