Скачать книгу - Environmental Alpha. Institutional Investors and Climate Change

The definitive guide to how institutional investors should approach the risks and opportunities associated with climate change Environmental Alpha provides institutional investors with the comprehensive framework they need to assess the risks and investment opportunities tied to climate change. Climate change will present institutional investors with some of the most important risks and opportunities they will face for generations to come. Climate change has the potential to affect many sectors in radically different degrees over time, and institutional investors need to have a thorough understanding of the multi-dimensional risks and opportunities that could influence nearly every investment in their portfolios. This volume is composed of contributions by leading experts in environmental investment, moving beyond the theoretical or academic nature of much of the current discussion on the topic to provide you with real-world insights into an emerging market. Examines the climate change-related drivers of returns (science, economics, policy, and technology) that make environmental alpha possible Explores fiduciary duty and climate change Contains in-depth explanations of each of the major categories of environmental investing and examines related environmental alpha opportunities Discusses practical implementation issues Presents real-world case studies and examples Climate change will be one of the most important investment themes of the next twenty years; the related environmental investment opportunities will provide institutional investors with some of the greatest «alpha» opportunities for years to come. This book will put you in a better position to assess and access these opportunities.

Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire Romain. T. 1 Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire Romain. T. 1

Автор: Joseph Naudet

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire Romain, sous les regnes de Diocletien, de Constantin, et de leurs successeurs, jusqu'a Julien, etc. T. 1, p. 1-2. T. 1, p. 1-2».

Nouveau traite geographique renfermant les productions, les usages, les coutumes de chaque pays et tous les changements arrivees sur le globe jusqu'en 1806. T. 1 Nouveau traite geographique renfermant les productions, les usages, les coutumes de chaque pays et tous les changements arrivees sur le globe jusqu'en 1806. T. 1

Автор: Lucie Renelle

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Nouveau traite geographique renfermant les productions, les usages, les coutumes de chaque pays et tous les changements arrivees sur le globe jusqu'en 1806. T. 1».

Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire Romain. T. 2 Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire Romain. T. 2

Автор: Joseph Naudet

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Des changemens operes dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire romain sous les regnes de Diolectien, de Constantin, et de leurs successeurs, jusqu'a Julien. T. 2., 3 Pt. / par J. Naudet ; ouvrage couronne par l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, au concours de 1815».

Environmental texts: Reading and translation Environmental texts: Reading and translation

Автор: Е. Д. Андреева

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие содержит основные теоретические сведения о переводе научно-публицистических текстов, оригинальные и адаптированные тексты на английском и русском языках.

The Exchange Student The Exchange Student

Автор: Nikita Nesynov

Год издания: 

The book is based on actual events. The book tells about the author’s memories about his year in the United States, living at host families as a youth exchange student of Rotary. The book shows different cultures of Russia, the United States of America and Japan through the eyes of a teenager. The events are taking place in a difficult time for Russia – the country was moving to a new era and was way behind western countries.