The final and conclusive book in the groundbreaking series on boys and their development In this climax to his series of landmark books about boys, Michael Gurian offers a powerful new program to help us give our sons a core purpose–a program based on building morality, character, career goals, the ability to form intimate relationships, selflessness, personal and community responsibility, and an accelerated process of developmental maturity. Gurian reveals how important purpose is for the success and happiness of boys and explains how a boy's core personality, nature, and genetic predisposition functions to create both strengths and weaknesses in their journey towards maturity. Includes an innovative program for support and interventions according to the unique needs, weaknesses, and strengths of each individual young man. This book is the follow-up to Gurian's bestselling The Minds of Boys Draws on the latest science and field research on how boys develop neurologically Gurian explores the unique issues boys must confront, and shows how their strategy for moral development and success in life is predicated on their nature and genetic predispositions. Получить ссылку |
The lives of Haydn and Mozart
Автор: Стендаль
Год издания:
Примечание: Жизнеописания Гайдна, Моцарта и Метастазио. Полный вариант заголовка: «The lives of Haydn and Mozart : With observations on Metastasio, and on the present state of music in France and Italy / Translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet. ; With notes by the author of the Sacred melodies».
A view of China, for philological purposes
Автор: Robert Morrison
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A view of China, for philological purposes : Containing a sketch of Chinese chronology, geography, government, religion & customs designs for the use of persons who study the Chinese language / By R. Morrison».
A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 1
Автор: Joshua Milne
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships : on the construction of tables of mortality and on the probabilities and expectations of life : in 2 vol. Vol. 1 / by Joshua Milne».
A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 2
Автор: Joshua Milne
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships : Vol. 2 : on the construction of tables of mortality and on the probabilities and expectations of life : wherein the laws of mortality that prevail in different parts of Europe are determined and the comparative mortalities of different diseases and of the 2 sexes are shown : with a variety of new tables : in 2 volumes / by Joshua Milne».
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