An updated and revised look at the truth behind America's housing and mortgage bubbles In the summer of 2007, the subprime empire that Wall Street had built all came crashing down. On average, fifty lenders a month were going bust-and the people responsible for the crisis included not just unregulated loan brokers and con artists, but also investment bankers and home loan institutions traditionally perceived as completely trustworthy. Chain of Blame chronicles this incredible disaster, with a specific focus on the players who participated in such a fundamentally flawed fiasco. In it, authors Paul Muolo and Mathew Padilla reveal the truth behind how this crisis occurred, including what individuals and institutions were doing during this critical time, and who is ultimately responsible for what happened. Discusses the latest revelations in the housing and mortgage crisis, including the SEC's charging of Angelo Mozilo Two well-regarded financial journalists familiar with the events that have taken place chronicle the crisis in detail, showing what happened as well as what lies ahead Discusses how the world's largest investment banks, homeowners, lenders, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors all became entangled in the subprime mess Intriguing and informative, Chain of Blame is a compelling story of greed and avarice, one in which many are responsible, but few are willing to admit their mistakes. Получить ссылку |
The increase in power through supercharging of street racing in eBook
Автор: Автоклуб
Год издания:
Introduction to boost technology
Lessons from history
Turbochargers: past and present
Nitrous oxide: from the beginnings to the present day
Aspiration: theory and basic principles
What you should know about turbochargers
Turbocharger boost pressure control
The strategy to prevent the turbocharger turboyam
What you should know about turbochargers
Cooling the intake charge
Injection water and other alternative solutions
Fuels and fuel additives
Air intake system
Injection of nitrous oxide
Exhaust system
The process of combustion and ignition system
The engine management system
Increased engine durability
Lubrication system
Cooling system
Modification of the factory engine supercharged
Testing theory in practice and a few thoughts
Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.
The Street
Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Год издания:
The story traces the history of the eponymous street in a New England city, presumably Boston, from its first beginnings as a path in colonial times to a quasi-supernatural occurrence in the years immediately following World War I.
Профессиональный английский: финансы и кредит. Professional English in Use: Finance and Credit
Автор: Эмилия Комарова
Год издания:
Представлен материал на английском языке, охватывающий основные разделы подготовки специалиста в области финансов: типы финансов, мировые финансовые системы, карьера в финансах, деньги, виды денег, инфляция, ее влияние и роль в экономике, коммерческие и государственные банки, банковские кредиты, процентные ставки, налогообложение, классификация налогов и т.д. Ориентировано на овладение терминологическим минимумом и понимание профильных аутентичных текстов на английском языке без их перевода. Соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению 080100 «Экономика». Для студентов бакалавриата и магистрантов экономических факультетов. Также может быть полезно аспирантам, стажерам и специалистам, отъезжающим за рубеж.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок)
Автор: Э. И. Муртазина
Год издания:
Цель пособия – развить навыки использования профессионально-ориентированного английского языка в сфере логистики, научить студентов высказываться, используя лексические и грамматические шаблоны. Пособие содержит теоретическую часть, практические задания, а также дополнительные тексты и задания для самостоятельной работы студентов.
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