Скачать книгу - A Lily Among the Thorns. Imagining a New Christian Sexuality

A new way for Christians to think about sexuality Author Miguel De La Torre, a well-respected ethicist and professor known for his innovative readings of Christian doctrine, rejects both the liberal and conservative prejudices about sex. He instead develops an ethic that is liberative yet grounded soundly in the Bible; a sexuality that celebrates God’s gift of great sex by fostering intimacy, vulnerability and openness between loving partners. In A Lily Among the Thorns, De La Torre examines the Bible, current events, history and our culture-at-large to show how and why racism, sexism, and classism have distorted Christianity’s central teachings about sexuality. The author shows how the church’s traditionally negative attitudes toward sex in general—and toward women, people of color, and gays in particular—have made it difficult, if not impossible, to create a biblically based and just sexual ethic. But when the Bible is read from the viewpoint of those who have been marginalized in our society, preconceived notions about Christianity and sex get turned on their heads. Taking on hot-button topics such as pornography, homosexuality, prostitution, and celibacy, the author examines how “reading from the margins” provides a liberating approach to dealing with issues of sexuality.

Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures

Автор: Николай Камзин

Год издания: 

The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.

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Автор: Christian Kapp

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte / von Christian Kapp».

A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion

Автор: Soame Jenyns

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion / [by Soame Jenyns]».

Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel

Автор: Matthew Tindal

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Christianity as old as the creation, or The gospel / [Matthew Tindal]».

Travels among the Arab tribes Travels among the Arab tribes

Автор: James Silk Buckingham

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels among the Arab tribes inhabiting the countries east of Syria and Palestine, including a journey from Nazareth to the mountains beyond the Dead Sea, and from thence through the plains of the Hauran to Bozra, Damascus, Tripoly, Lebanon, Baalbeck, and by the valley of the Orontes to Seleucia, Antioch, and Aleppo : With an appendix containing a refutation of certain unfounded calumnies industriously circulated against the author of this work, by Mr. Lewis Burckhardt, Mr. William John Bankes, and the Quarterly review».