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"I’ve always said that education without execution is just entertainment – and Lior illustrates this beautifully in his book. It is important to learn HOW to implement a successful Customer focus strategy and you need knowledge and process to do it well. Read this book and learn."–Tim Sanders, Author of «Love is The Killer App» «Lior brings original thought to the world of business, ideas drawn from reality, based on solid observations with the clear objective of helping people make money. Read this and profit.»–Jerry Vass, Author of «Soft Selling in A Hard World» and President Vass Consulting «You might not like this book. It's not filled with easy shortcuts and feel-good platitudes. BUT, when you're ready to walk the walk and not just talk the talk) about treating your customers right and growing your business, Lior's book is a fine place to start down that rarely-followed, very profitable path.»–Seth Godin Author, Purple Cow & Free Prize Inside «Lior Arussy is a true customer advocate. This book is a must-read for anyone who knows that the only sustainable competitive advantage is to create a unique and meaningful customer experience.»–Ginger Conlon, Editor-in-Chief, CRM magazine According to Strativity's 2003 CEM global study, 45% of executives surveyed do not believe they deserve the customer’s loyalty. Following a decade of customer-centric books, the market is in a state of crises with over 50% customer focused projects fail. Passionate and Profitable is a new book that takes a critical look at the state of the companies’ commitment to customers and exposes the fatal mistakes companies make and the lip service they pay to their customers. Full of examples and statistics, Passionate and Profitable argues that customer strategies success depends on making serious tough choices and not cosmetic works. It is those tough trade offs that will help companies unleash their passion for customers and in return, increase their profitability and sales.

Get it right = Говорите правильно по-английски Get it right = Говорите правильно по-английски

Автор: Джейн Поуви

Год издания: 

В пособии рассматривается около 120 слов и конструкций английского языка, в употреблении которых русские студенты чаще всего допускают ошибки. Цель пособия – предупреждение типичных ошибок, обусловленных влиянием родного языка обучающихся. Предлагаются упражнения для проверки усвоения и тренировки материала.

Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Vol. 1 Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Vol. 1

Автор: James Prior

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmond Burke : With specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, compared with those of his great contemporaries. Vol. 1».

Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Vol. 2 Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Vol. 2

Автор: James Prior

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke : Vol. 2 : with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talants, compared with those of his great contemporaries : enlarged to 2 volumes : by a variety of original letters, anecdotes, papers, and other additional matter / by James Prior, Esq.».

The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Vol. 4 The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Vol. 4

Автор: Mary Wortley Montagu

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu : Vol. 4 : including her correspondence, poems, and essays : in 5 volumes / published by permission from her genuine papers».

The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Vol. 1 The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Vol. 1

Автор: Mary Wortley Montagu

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu : Vol. 1 : including her correspondence, poems and essays : in 5 volumes / published by permission from her genuine papers».