Скачать книгу - The Levity Effect. Why it Pays to Lighten Up

The Levity Effect uses serious science to reveal the remarkable power of humor and fun in business. Science proves it?fun is good for business! Based on ten years of extensive research, the authors argue against business tradition to reveal the powerful bottom-line benefits of leading with levity. With interviews, exercises, and case studies, the book reveals how humor in the workplace will help you communicate messages, build camaraderie, and encourage creativity for a better workplace and bigger profits.

An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine Truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine Truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain

Автор: J. Thornton

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain / By J. Thornton».

Mass Effect. Андромеда: Восстание на «Нексусе» Mass Effect. Андромеда: Восстание на «Нексусе»

Автор: К. К. Александер

Год издания: 

Год 2185-й. В галактику Андромеды отправились огромные корабли-ковчеги с задачей изучить и колонизировать новые миры. Скоро следом за ними полетит огромная космическая станция «Нексус», на борту которой представители пяти рас Млечного Пути: люди, саларианцы, турианцы, азари и кроганы. Все они проведут в стазисе шестьсот лет и проснутся в другой галактике, чтобы начать жизнь с чистого листа, оставив в прошлом распри и предрассудки. Последней погружается в сон Слоан Келли, директор службы безопасности. Как и все ее спутники, она абсолютно уверена в успехе – миссия, которую готовили лучшие умы освоенного космоса, не может закончиться катастрофой. Впервые на русском языке!

Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

Год издания: 

Trade the Congressional Effect. How To Profit from Congress's Impact on the Stock Market Trade the Congressional Effect. How To Profit from Congress's Impact on the Stock Market

Автор: Eric Singer T.

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An innovative investment approach that takes the actions of the U.S. Congress into consideration Historical research indicates that, more often than not, when Congress is in session there is a negative effect on equities markets (the «Congressional Effect») due possibly to investor uncertainty surrounding government action or inaction as well as the unintended consequences of Congressional legislative initiatives on the stock market. Author Eric Singer, a financial professional with over twenty-five years of experience, is an expert on this phenomenon, and with this new book he shares his extensive insights with you. Trade the Congressional Effect skillfully details how you can profit from Congress's impact on the stock market. Along the way, it puts this approach in perspective and gives you all the tools you'll need to profitably incorporate it into your investing endeavors. Singer walks you through the process of trading the Congressional Effect and provides practical guidance regarding the possible pitfalls and opportunities you'll face each step of the way. Addresses why it is better to invest while Congress isn't in session Reveals exactly what the Congressional Effect encompasses and why it occurs Written by Eric Singer, one of the first people to publicly document the general effect of Congress on daily stock prices Supported by over forty-five years of real world data, the Congressional Effect has proven profitable to those who know how to use it. This timely guide will show you exactly what it takes to make this phenomenon work for you.

The Jelly Effect. How to Make Your Communication Stick The Jelly Effect. How to Make Your Communication Stick

Автор: Andy Bounds

Год издания: 

Like throwing jelly at a wall, poor communication never sticks. Too much information and not enough relevance is a problem that pervades almost all business communication. So what's the answer? More relevance and a lot less jelly. The Jelly Effect teaches you simple, memorable and costless ways to win more attention and more business. Imagine how effective you'd be if you communicated only what was relevant 100 percent of the time. You would be better at talking to others, presenting, networking and selling. You would excel in interviews, meetings and pay-rise discussions. The benefits would be endless. The Jelly Effect will show you how to get the best out of any situation, whether you're speaking to an individual or a group, formally or informally, inside or outside your organisation. By the time you close the final page of this book, you will be armed with practical, proven techniques that will help you be more effective in all your business dealings. «Andy Bounds taught me more about effective presenting than a lady who’d previously taught two US presidents.» –Drayton Bird, chairman of Drayton Bird Partnership and world leading authority on direct marketing