Скачать книгу - Complementary Medicine For Dummies

A comprehensive guide to what’s what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you – from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage – and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation. Topics covered in Complementary Medicine For Dummies include: Old Dogs – New Tricks: From Ancient Roots to Modern Practice Turning to the Pros for Your Health Diagnosis Reading the Body (Self-Diagnosis) Uncovering Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Revealing Ayurveda’s ‘Science of Life’ Balancing Health With Tibetan Medicine Purifying the Body with Japanese Medicine Dipping Your Toes Into Nature Cure Getting to the Point of Acupuncture Homing in on Homeopathy Unearthing Herbal Medicine Nibbling on Nutritional Medicine Diving into Naturopathy Opening Up with Osteopathy Getting to the Crunch with Chiropractic Moving with Bodywork Therapies Enjoying Massage Therapies Relaxing with Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation Scenting Out Aromatherapy and Flower and Tree Remedies Connecting with Healing Therapies Getting Your Head Around Psychological Therapies Feeling the Buss of Energy Medicine Having a Go with Creative Therapies Ten Complementary Medicine Tips for Healthy Living Ten Superfoods for Great Health Ten Great Herbal Remedies Appendix A: A-Z of Therapies

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