Marketing's undisputed doyen offers an unbeatable guide on what not to do As the cost of marketing rises, its effectiveness is in decline. CEOs want a return on their marketing investment, but can't be sure their marketing efforts are even working. Truly, marketers have to shape up or watch their business go south. In this clear and comprehensive guide, renowned marketing expert Philip Kotler identifies the ten most common-and most damaging-mistakes marketers make, and how to avoid them. But these ten mistakes are much more than simple mess-ups; they're glaring deficiencies that prevent companies from succeeding in the marketplace. In Ten Deadly Marketing Sins, Kotler covers each sin in-depth in its own chapter and offers practical, proven guidance for reversing them. Marketers will learn how to stay market-focused and customer-driven, fully understand their customers, keep track of the competition, manage relationships with stakeholders, find new opportunities, develop effective marketing plans, strengthen product and service policies, build brands, get organized, and use technology to the fullest. Covering crucial topics every marketer must understand, Ten Deadly Marketing Sins is a must-have for anyone who want to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging marketplace. Packed with the kind of marketing wisdom only Kotler can provide, this is an indispensable resource for every company-and every marketer-who wants to develop better products, better marketing plans, and better customer relationships. Ten Deadly Marketing Sins is an unbeatable resource from the most respected thinker in modern marketing. Philip Kotler (Chicago, IL) is the S. C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management and the author of 15 books, including Marketing Insights from A to Z (0-471-26867-4) and Lateral Marketing (0-471-45516-4), both published by Wiley. Получить ссылку |
Celtic Charted Designs (Dover Needlework Series)
Автор: Co Spinhoven
Год издания:
Более 350 кельтских орнаментов в виде схем для вышивки крестом (и других счетных техник рукоделия). Книга просто уникальная для всех любителей кельтского орнамента и любителей рукоделия. Уровень предложенных орнаментов - от простейших "косичек" до сложных "ковровых" рисунков. Короткий пояснительный текст на английском относится, главным образом, к технике вышивки. Все схемы даны в ч/б варианте, клетка очень мелкая но хорошо различимая.
Deadly Whiteness
Автор: Alex Nork
Год издания:
After the performance of a military experiment in the Central Atlantic the squadron led by American supercruiser went home. But the disappearance of the vessel detained in place made them return. Something strange and frightful is going on in this region. People vanish, F-16 is brought down, health resort island is completely ruined.
English for Marketing Managers = Английский язык для маркетологов
Автор: C. А. Прозоровский
Год издания:
Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, аспирантов и слушателей программ MBA со специализацией маркетинг, а также для широкого круга лиц, работающих в сфере международного бизнеса и маркетинга, имеющих базовую подготовку на уровне, не ниже «intermediate», и стремящихся совершенствовать свои знания. С пособием можно работать как в группах под руководством преподавателя, так и самостоятельно, проверяя себя по ответам на наиболее сложные задания. Цель пособия состоит в развитии билингвистической компетенции, т.е. в обучении активному пользованию маркетинговой терминологией на русском и английском языках при чтении профильной литературы, поиске нужных материалов в источниках и осуществлению эффективных коммуникаций в работе с иностранными партнерами.
Twelve beautiful designs for farm-houses
Автор: William Halfpenny
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Twelve beautiful designs for farm-houses : with their proper offices, and estimates of the whole... / by William Halfpenny».
Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages
Автор: John Buonarotti Papworth
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages, decorated cottages, small villas, and other ornamental buildings : accompanied by hints on situation, construction, arrangment and decoration, in the theory & practice of rural architecture; interspersed with some observations on landscape gardening / by John B. Papworth».
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