Скачать книгу - Searching for Molecular Solutions. Empirical Discovery and Its Future

A comprehensive look at empirical approaches to molecular discovery, their relationships with rational design, and the future of both Empirical methods of discovery, along with serendipitous and rational design approaches, have played an important role in human history. Searching for Molecular Solutions compares empirical discovery strategies for biologically useful molecules with serendipitous discovery and rational design, while also considering the strengths and limitations of empirical pathways to molecular discovery. Logically arranged, this text examines the different modes of molecular discovery, empha-sizing the historical and ongoing importance of empirical strategies. Along with a broad overview of the subject matter, Searching for Molecular Solutions explores: The differing modes of molecular discovery Biological precedents for evolutionary approaches Directed evolutionary methods and related areas Enzyme evolution and design Functional nucleic acid discovery Antibodies and other recognition molecules General aspects of molecular recognition Small molecule discovery approaches Rational molecular design The interplay between empirical and rational strategies and their ongoing roles in the future of molecular discovery Searching for Molecular Solutions covers several major areas of modern research, development, and practical applications of molecular sciences. This text offers empirical-rational principles of broad relevance to scientists, professionals, and students interested in general aspectsof molecular discovery, as well as the thought processes behind experimental approaches. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy

Автор: I. Manev

Год издания: 

Although new ventures’ competitive positioning and their founders’ social networks are both recognized as important in the context of transition economies, not much is known about their multiplicative effect on performance. We build on the strategic management literature and social network theory to develop theoretical predictions about the role of competitive strategies and social capital for entrepreneurial performance. These are tested with survey data from Bulgaria. We find that both the venture’s competitive strategic positioning and the founder’s networking positively influence performance. The hypothesized moderating effect of networking for the relationship between differentiation strategy and performance received only tentative support. Contrary to expectations, we find a negative moderating effect of networking for the relationship of cost leadership with performance. These results suggest that the entrepreneur’s network plays a role in shaping how strategies influence performance by possibly upholding differentiation and deemphasizing cost leadership strategy. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.

Контрразведка Future (сборник) Контрразведка Future (сборник)

Автор: Василий Головачев

Год издания: 

Запуск гигантского Суперструнника, который должен был помочь земным ученым раскрыть тайну рождения Вселенной, вызвал появление в границах нашей Метагалактики экзотических объектов, угрожающих существованию не только земной цивилизации. Цепочка необъяснимых совпадений связывает Суперструнник с далеким звездным скоплением омега Кентавра. Случайны ли эти совпадения и чем они могут обернуться для человечества, должен выяснить бывший спасатель Руслан Горюнов. Под видом инспектора по контролю за опасными исследованиями он отправляется в путь. Руслан и не подозревает, что агрессоры из иных вселенных затеяли смертельно опасную для него и его коллег игру… В сборник вошли романы «Посторонним вход воспрещен» и «Нечеловеческий фактор».

Proceedings of the Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa Proceedings of the Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands

Автор: George Glas

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands : translated from a Spanish manuscript, lately found in the island of Palma : with an enquiry into the origin of the ancient inhabitants : to which is added, a dsescription of the Canary Islands, including the modern history of the inhabitants, and an account of their manners, customs, trade, & c. / by George Glas».

Future Simple, Present Simple, Past Simple. Правила построения и употребления, упражнения Future Simple, Present Simple, Past Simple. Правила построения и употребления, упражнения

Автор: Татьяна Олива Моралес

Год издания: 

В данной брошюре подробно рассматриваются времена группы Simple: простое настоящее (Present Simple), простое прошедшее (Past Simple) и простое будущее время (Future Simple); глагол be в этих временах, условные предложения первого типа и придаточные предложения времени в английском языке на примерах и упражнениях по переводу с русского языка на английский для закрепления полученных навыков. Все упражнения адаптированы по методике © «Лингвистический Реаниматор».