Скачать книгу - Demystifying Exotic Products. Interest Rates, Equities and Foreign Exchange

In recent times, derivatives have been inaccurately labelled the financial weapons of mass destruction responsible for the worst financial crisis in recent history. Inherently complex and perilous for the ill-informed investment professional they can however also be gainfully harnessed. This book is a practical guide to the complexities of exotic products written in simple terms based on the premise that derivatives are not homogenous, and not necessarily dangerous. By exploring common themes behind the construction of various structured products in interest rates, equities and foreign exchange, and investigating the economic environment that promoted the explosive growth of these products, this book will help readers make sense of their relevance in this period of economic uncertainty. Subsequently, by explaining exotic products with simple mathematics, it will aid readers in understanding their potential use in certain investment strategies whilst having a firm control over risk. Exotic products need not be inaccessible. By understanding the products available investors can make informed decisions ensuring features are consistent with their investment objectives and risk preferences. Author Chia Chiang Tan takes readers through the risks and rewards of each product, illustrating when products can damage investment strategies and how to avoid them, leading to suitable, profitable investments. Ultimately, this book will provide practitioners with an understanding of derivatives, enabling them to determine for themselves which products will fit their investment strategy, and how to use them based on the economic environment and inherent risks.

Pirates 1660-1730 Pirates 1660-1730

Автор: Konstam Angus, McBride Angus

Год издания: 

This book gives an accurate picture of the pirates who sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and off the American coastline during the 'golden age' of piracy between 1660 and 1730. It traces the origins of piratical activity in the 16th century and examines the Boucaneer (Buccaneer) culture in Jamaica and Hispaniola. It details what drove individuals to a life of piracy, how they dressed, their weaponry, the ships they used and the codes by which they operated. Whether viewed as villains or victims the Pirates were a major threat to shipping and commerce in the western Atlantic for more than 70 years. Elite 67, 69 and 74 are also available in a single volume special edition as 'Pirates'.

The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language

Автор: Eleonora Ivanova

Год издания: 

Начальный курс болгарского языка для иностранцев, включающий в себя 25 уроков (с текстами, диалогами, грамматическими комментариями и упражнениями), приложения и словарь. В приложениях содержатся тексты для дополнительной работы, краткий справочник по морфологии, а также иллюстрированную подборку бытовой лексики по ряду тем. Аудиоматериалы записаны болгарскими дикторами и актерами без использования английского языка. Все тексты звучат в естественном темпе, с безупречными произношением и интонацией.

Interesting facts: relating to the fall and death of Joachim Murat, King of Naples Interesting facts: relating to the fall and death of Joachim Murat, King of Naples

Автор: Francis Maceroni

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Interesting facts relating to the fall and death of Joachim Murat, king of Naples; the capitulation of Paris in 1815; and the second restoration of the Bourbons : Original letters from king Joachim to the author, with some account of the author, and of his persecution by the French government / By Francis Macirone».

Poems on interesting events in the reign of king Edward III Poems on interesting events in the reign of king Edward III

Автор: Laurence Minot

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Poems on interesting events in the reign of king Edward III : with preface, dissertations, notes, and a glossary / written, in the year 1352 by Laurence Minot».

Interesting account of the early voyages Interesting account of the early voyages

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Interesting account of the early voyages : made by the Portuguese, Spaniards, &. : to Affrica, East and West-Indies : the discovery of numerous Islands : with particulars of the Lives of those eminent navigators : including the life and voyages of Columbus : to which is perpixed the life of that great circumnavigator Captain Cook : with particulars of his death / extracted from Dr. Kipps's».