The first publication to outline the complex global story of human migration and dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory. Utilizing archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence, Peter Bellwood traces the journeys of the earliest hunter-gatherer and agriculturalist migrants as critical elements in the evolution of human lifeways. The first volume to chart global human migration and population dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory, in all regions of the world An archaeological odyssey that details the initial spread of early humans out of Africa approximately two million years ago, through the Ice Ages, and down to the continental and island migrations of agricultural populations within the past 10,000 years Employs archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence to demonstrate how migration has always been a vital and complex element in explaining the evolution of the human species Outlines how significant migrations have affected population diversity in every region of the world Clarifies the importance of the development of agriculture as a migratory imperative in later prehistory Fully referenced with detailed maps throughout Получить ссылку |
Ancient Armies
Автор: Newark Tim, McBride Angus
Год издания:
This text by Tim Newark explores some of the fascinating peoples who comprised the ancient armies of the Middle East: the Sumerians, who were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, and were centuries ahead of the Egyptians in the use of the wheel – The Akkadians, whose citizen army was composed almost entirely of light troops – The Babylonians, whose people were granted land in return for army service – the horned warriors of the Elamites – the Egyptians, with thier heavy spearmen and archers – the tribal and warlike Libyans – Nubians and Ethiopians – Hyksos – the armies of the Hittite Empire – the Sea People and others.
Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra. P. 1
Автор: William Francklin
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra : conjectured to lie with in the limits of the modern district of Bhaugulpoor according to researches made on the spot in 1811 and 1812 / by William Francklin».
Histoire de l'emigration (1789-1825)
Автор: Francois Mongin de Montrol
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Histoire de l'emigration (1789-1825) / Par m. F. de Montrol».
Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra. P. 2
Автор: William Francklin
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra : Part 2 : with a map, views, and sections : 1814-15 / by William Francklin».
Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra. P. 3
Автор: William Francklin
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Inquiry concerning the site of ancient Palibothra : Part 3 : containing a continuation of the journey from Deo Ghur to the passes on the Ramghur frontier and from Thence to Sooruj Ghurra on the Ganges through the Kurruckpore hills / by William Francklin».
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