Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting (CAS) is a new approach to treat a carotid stenosis. This new book provides interventional cardiologists, both as beginners or fully experienced, with a reference on all aspects of angioplasty and stenting of the carotid and supra-aortic trunks. Focusing on both the entire range of angioplasty and stenting treatment options for the surgeon treating patients on the operating table, and the range of radiological techniques used for the cardiologist to diagnose carotid artery stenosis (CAS) and associated conditions, this important book describes the best indications, the different techniques, the results, and also the limitations of CAS based on randomized studies and particularly the last published data (CREST study). Suitable for both novice and experienced interventionalists, it also addresses diagnosis of a carotid stenosis and complications from CAS and how to manage them. Получить ссылку |
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Автор: Nissim Garti
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This book will describe fundamentals and recent developments in the area of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architecture and their relevance to the understanding of the functionality of membranes as delivery systems for active ingredients. As the heirarchial architectures determine their performance capabilities, attention will be paid to theoretical and design aspects related to the construction of lyotropic liquid crystals: mesophases such as lamellar, hexagonal, cubic, sponge phase micellosomes. The book will bring to the reader mechanistic aspects, compositional considerations, transition within phases, solubilization capacities, drug entrapment and release mechanisms and transmembrane, transdermal, and other transport phenomena. It will stress the importance of these mesostructures to crystallization and polymorphism of drugs, fats, and nutraceuticals and will discuss regioselectivity of organic and enzymatic reactions that take place at interfaces and within the channels of the mesophase. The book will bring studies on the use of these mesophase as crystallization or particulation media for the formation of nanoparticles and nanocrystals. Chapters will discuss applications in the areas of pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, plastics, paper, agro-chemistry and industrial applications.
Facial Aesthetics. Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis
Автор: Farhad Naini B.
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Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis is a unique new illustrated resource for facial aesthetic surgery and dentistry, providing the comprehensive clinical textbook on the art and science of facial aesthetics for clinicians involved in the management of facial deformities, including orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons and aesthetic dentists. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive examination of facial aesthetics in the context of dentofacial and craniofacial diagnosis and treatment planning. This aim is achieved through coupling meticulous research and practical clinical advice with beautifully drawn supporting illustrations and diagrams. Structured over 24 logically arranged and easy-to-follow chapters, Part I of Facial Aesthetics covers the historical evidence for facial aesthetic canons and concepts in depth. It incorporates all aspects relevant to the work of the clinician, including the philosophical and scientific theories of facial beauty, facial attractiveness research, facial expression and the psychosocial ramifications of facial deformities. Part II of the book then goes on to examine clinical evaluation and diagnosis in considerable detail under four sections, from the initial consultation interview and acquisition of diagnostic records (section 1), complete clinical examination and analysis of the craniofacial complex (section 2), in depth analysis of each individual facial region using a top-down approach (section 3) and finally focussing on smile and dentogingival aesthetic evaluation (section 4). An in-depth, thoughtful, practical and absorbing reference, Facial Aesthetics will find an enthusiastic reception among facial aesthetic surgeons and aesthetic dentists with an interest in refining their understanding and appreciation of the human face and applying practical protocols to their clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. Key features: Examines facial aesthetics in a clinical context Promotes an interdisciplinary approach to facial aesthetic analysis Detailed description of the systematic clinical evaluation of the facial soft tissues and craniodentoskeletal complex Detailed, step-by-step aesthetic analysis of each facial region In-depth analysis of 2D and 3D clinical diagnostic records Evidence-based approach, from antiquity to contemporary scientific evidence, to the guidelines employed in planning the correction of facial deformities Treatment planning from first principles highlighted Clinical notes are highlighted throughout Clearly organized and practical format Highly illustrated in full colour throughout
Supramolecular Soft Matter. Applications in Materials and Organic Electronics
Автор: Takashi Nakanishi
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The pivotal text that bridges the gap between fundamentals and applications of soft matter in organic electronics Covering an expanding and highly coveted subject area, Supramolecular Soft Matter enlists the services of leading researchers to help readers understand and manipulate the electronic properties of supramolecular soft materials for use in organic opto-electronic devices, such as photovoltaics and field effect transistors, some of the most desired materials for energy conservation. Rather than offering a compilation of current trends in supramolecular soft matter, this book bridges the gap between fundamentals and applications of soft matter in organic electronics in an effort to open new directions in research for applying supramolecular assembly into organic materials while also focusing on the morphological functions originating from the materials' self-assembled architectures. This unique approach distinguishes Supramolecular Soft Matter as a valuable resource for learning to identify concepts that hold promise for the successful development of organic/polymeric electronics for use in real-world applications. Supramolecular Soft Matter: Combines important topics to help supramolecular chemists and organic electronics researchers work together Covers an interdisciplinary field of prime importance to government-supported R&D research Discusses the concepts and perspectives in a dynamic field to aid in the successful development of organic electronics Includes applications for energy conservation like photovoltaics and field effect transistors Teeming with applicable information on both molecular design and synthesis, as well as the development of smart molecular assemblies for organic electronic systems, Supramolecular Soft Matter provides more practical in-depth coverage of this rapidly evolving technology than any other book in its field.
Hepatology. Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Автор: E. Heathcote Jenny
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This book will be an affordable, highly practical handbook on hepatology, aimed at residents/trainees in gastroenterology, GI nurses, and recently qualified consultants to use as a quick reference when managing patients presenting with possible or overt liver disease. It will be of particular use for those GI internists/residents who have an interest specifically in hepatology. It does not aim to be a specialist textbook, but a shorter, 250pp guide that provides key clinical information on each area of hepatology in an accessible form. Extracting relevant material from large reference textbooks can be very time consuming and for this reason, information in this handbook will be presented succinctly in a style suitable for quick reference and easy understanding. The chief emphasis will be on the clinical assessment and management of these patients, and all the major areas of liver disease will be covered, from liver cirrhosis to viral hepatitis, to autoimmune liver failure. Chapters will use a variety of structural features and colour coded boxes to increase the accessibility for residents. These include: key points/take-home points, case history, practice points and management algorithm/flow-charts. Each chapter will also contain sample multiple choice questions that the reader will be able to test themselves on.
Depression in Neurologic Disorders. Diagnosis and Management
Автор: Andres Kanner
Год издания:
Depression in Neurologic Disorders Diagnosis and Management Edited by Andres M. Kanner, MD, Professor of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, Rush Medical College at Rush University, Chicago, IL, USA. Why should neurologists care about depression? It is one of the most frequent psychiatric comorbid conditions of neurologic disorders. Not only does it have a negative impact on the quality of patients, but it is also associated with a worse course of the neurologic disease. Yet, more often than not, neurologists have not been trained to recognize clinical depression in their patients. How should neurologists learn to care for depression? By reading Depression in Neurologic Disorders, the caring neurologist will gain a practical overview of: clinical manifestations of depression in the major neurologic disorders how to use screening instruments in clinical practice the identification of patients with an increased suicidal risk basic principles of the management of depressive disorders by the non-psychiatrist The major neurologic disorders covered in Depression in Neurologic Disorders include: Migraine Stroke Epilepsy Parkinson’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis Huntington’s Disease Dementia Traumatic Brain Injury The practical approach is enhanced with the use of case studies and ‘take-home pearls’ throughout. Depression is a common disorder that all neurologists face in their daily clinical practice. Depression in Neurologic Disorders provides the fundamentals of caring for patients who are suffering beyond their diagnosed neurologic disorder. Titles of Related Interest Adult Epilepsy Gregory Cascino and Joseph Sirven (eds); ISBN 978-0-470-74122-1 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Alberto Albanese and Joseph Jankovic (eds); 978-0-470-74122-1 Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Therapy Howard Weiner and James Stankiewicz; 978-0-470-65463-7
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