Скачать книгу - Eating Disorders and Obesity. A Counselor's Guide to Prevention and Treatment

Both practical and comprehensive, this book provides a clear framework for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Focusing on best practices and offering a range of current techniques, leaders in the field examine these life-threatening disorders and propose treatment options for clients of all ages. This text, written specifically for counselors, benefits from the authors’ collective expertise and emphasizes practitioner-friendly, wellness-based approaches that counselors can use in their daily practice. Parts I and II of the text address risk factors in and sociocultural influences on the development of eating disorders, gender differences, the unique concerns of clients of color, ethical and legal issues, and assessment and diagnosis. Part III explores prevention and early intervention with high-risk groups in school, university, and community settings. The final section presents a variety of treatment interventions, such as cognitive–behavioral, interpersonal, dialectical behavior, and family-based therapy. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Testing SAP R/3
A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide Testing SAP R/3 A Manager’s Step-by-Step Guide


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Planning, preparing, scheduling, and executing SAP test cycles is a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor that requires participation from several project members. SAP projects are prone to have informal, ad-hoc test approaches that decrease the stability of the production environment and tend to increase the cost of ownership for the SAP system. Many SAP project and test managers cannot provide answers for questions such as how many requirements have testing coverage, the exit criteria for a test phase, the audit trails for test results, the dependencies and correct sequence for executing test cases, or the cost figures for a previously executed test cycle. Fortunately, through established testing techniques predicated on guidelines and methodologies (i.e., ASAP SAP Roadmap methodology, IBM’s Ascendant methodology, and Deloitte’s ThreadManager methodology), enforcement of standards, application of objective testing criteria, test case automation, implementation of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM), and independent testing and formation of centralized test teams, many of the testing risks that plague existing or initial SAP programs can be significantly reduced. This book is written for SAP managers, SAP consultants, SAP testers, and team leaders who are tasked with supporting, managing, implementing, and monitoring testing activities related to test planning, test design, test automation, test tool management, execution of test cases, reporting of test results, test outsourcing, planning a budget for testing activities, enforcing testing standards, and resolving defects.

Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide


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Two new Oracle instruction and resource titles from Osborne/McGraw-Hill are indispensable additions to personal and professional reference collections. Oracle Database 10g: A Beginner's Guide is the collective effort of Oracle experts Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey and Michael Corey. Oracle Database 10g provides neophytes with the fundamental concepts of Oracle Database 10g administration and programming. Through self-paced tutorials, readers will learn about database essentials, the role of the administrator, and large database features. Oracle Database 10g includes an in-depth introduction to SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and XML programming.

Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009) Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

В номере: Я буду жить? Правильный разговор с врачом На губах ничего лишнего Осень без простуды. Эти средства работают. Суперсалат. Только в октябре Так делают тайцы. энергия массажа Талия - в центре внимания. Армейский подход Он поддержит. Выбери "верх" для занятий Вложи в себя. Сколько стоит стать красивой. и многое другое... Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009)

Prevention #12 (December 2009/USA) Prevention #12 (December 2009/USA)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Fiat Tipo and Tempra 1988-1996. Repair Manual – service guide Fiat Tipo and Tempra 1988-1996. Repair Manual – service guide

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Инструкция по ремонту и обслуживанию моделей Fiat Tipo и Tempra. Дано описание всех узлов и агрегатов и советы по их эксплуатации и техобслуживанию. Чертежи, таблицы и схемы электрооборудования. Fiat Tipo - автомобиль итальянской компании Фиат. Был разработан дизайн студией IDEA. Выпускался с 1988 года по 1996 год.