Unique in its review of modern analytical approaches to vitamin fortification, this book emphasizes fast, sensitive, and accurate methods, along with assays enabling the detection of various isomers and multiple vitamins. The expert contributors describe the concepts as well as analytical and assay methods to study fortification, along with applications to create better and safer foods. Taking into considerations regulatory matters, they include data on sampling and extraction methods, and discuss the various pros and cons of each. As a result, readers are able to determine, which type of analytical method is best suited for added vitamins. A practical guide for food chemists and technologists, as well as analytical laboratories and biochemists. |
Английский язык для эффективного менеджмента. Guidelines for better management skills 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО
Автор: Светлана Александровна Воробьева
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Английский язык для эффективного менеджмента. Guidelines for better management skills 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата
Автор: Светлана Александровна Воробьева
Год издания:
A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called
Автор: Berkeley George
Год издания: