Скачать книгу - Stahlbau-Kalender 2013 - Eurocode 3. Anwendungsnormen, Stahl im Industrie- und Anlagenbau

Kostenlose Berechnungssoftware und Tragfahigkeitstabellen bestellen Sie unter: www.vmtubes.de/cop Auch auf Englisch verfugbar! Wie erzielt ein Stadiondach hunderte Anschlusstreffer? Wie jeder Anschluss zum Treffer wird, steht in den neuen Bemessungshilfen fur Hohlprofilanschlusse mit MSH-Profilen: Die neuen Bemessungshilfen fur Hohlprofilanschlusse mit MSH-Profilen machen die Berechnung von Hohlprofil-Verbindungen ab sofort spielend einfach: • geprufte Tragfahigkeitstabellen mit zahlreichen Knotenkonfigurationen nach Eurocode 3 • Software CoP fur die zuverlassige Berechnung individueller Anschlussabmessungen • eine technische Referenz, entwickelt von fuhrenden Stahlbau-Spezialisten • ein Standardwerk zur optimalen Ausnutzung der wirtschaftlichen und konstruktiven Potenziale von MSH-Profilen • die zuverlassige konstruktionstechnische Grundlage, mit der Ihre kreativen Ideen zu pruffahigen Entwurfen werden!

Resume de l'histoire du commerce et de l'industrie Resume de l'histoire du commerce et de l'industrie

Автор: Adolphe Blanqui

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Resume de l'histoire du commerce et de l'industrie par Adolphe Blanqui».

British Manufacturing Industries: Pottery, Glass and Silicates, Furniture and Woodwork. British Manufacturing Industries: Pottery, Glass and Silicates, Furniture and Woodwork.

Автор: Pollen John Hungerford

Год издания: 

Die stahlerne Mauer Die stahlerne Mauer

Автор: Ganghofer Ludwig

Год издания: 

Koch Industries Koch Industries

Автор: Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»

Год издания: 

Основанная в 1925 году как маленькое семейное предприятие и ставшая второй крупнейшей частной компанией в США. Полимеры, минералы, удобрения, химическое оборудование, финансы и инвестиции – направления Koch Industries. В 2013 году купила поставщика Apple – компанию Molex, которая производила некоторые запчасти и оптоволокно…

China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future

Автор: Bill Dodson

Год издания: 

Will China Surpass the United States as an innovation nation? China is tirelessly working to overcome its technological deficiencies by driving R&D initiatives in government and business and adapting Western Internet platforms for domestic use. It is extending its technological reach through a major drive to rival India as a services outsourcing leader and projecting its high-tech brands into the companies and homes of other countries. But whether China succeeds will depend on how it handles such issues as demography, energy dependency, and resource limitations. The environmental challenges posed by China's vast manufacturing sector are well documented, but what isn't widely realized is that China is actually outstripping the West in all manner of green initiatives, renewable energy investments, research and development funding, and other areas essential to improving the health of the planet. However, omnipresent government intervention, environmental degradation, natural resource exhaustion, and other issues threaten to derail China’s rise to superpower status. As the country meets global challenges on a scale that few nations can match, China Fast Forward takes a look at what lies ahead and why China’s success is important to us all. In this book, Bill Dodson explores China's reincarnation from a closed, agrarian nation into a modern, high-tech superpower bent on literally cleaning up its act. Presents an on-the-ground survey and analysis of China's renewable and clean energy sector that identifies the kinds of projects and technologies Chinese enterprises and local governments are hungry for Includes a discussion on how successful Chinese companies are developing their brands to go head-to-head with the world’s best-known companies Discusses how central government conflicts of interest are actually foiling corporate and official drives to innovation across a range of sectors Taking a look inside China's march toward becoming a sustainable superpower through innovation, China Fast Forward presents a balance sheet of the country's technological and social progress on its path to becoming a world leader.