Скачать книгу - Thermal Processing of Foods. Control and Automation

The food industry has utilized automated control systems for over a quarter of a century. However, the past decade has seen an increase in the use of more sophisticated software-driven, on-line control systems, especially in thermal processing unit operations. As these software-driven control systems have become more complex, the need to validate their operation has become more important. In addition to validating new control systems, some food companies have undertaken the more difficult task of validating legacy control systems that have been operating for a number of years on retorts or aseptic systems. Thermal Processing: Control and Automation presents an overview of various facets of thermal processing and packaging from industry, academic, and government representatives. The book contains information that will be valuable not only to a person interested in understanding the fundamental aspects of thermal processing (eg graduate students), but also to those involved in designing the processes (eg process specialists based in food manufacturing) and those who are involved in process filing with USDA or FDA. The book focuses on technical aspects, both from a thermal processing standpoint and from an automation and process control standpoint. Coverage includes established technologies such as retorting as well as emerging technologies such as continuous flow microwave processing. The book addresses both the theoretical and applied aspects of thermal processing, concluding with speculations on future trends and directions.

Face Control Face Control

Автор: Джон Вон Эйкен

Год издания: 

Все продавцы мечтают работать с ключевыми клиентами и заключать крупные сделки. Но, к сожалению, не многим это удается… и тому есть причины! Чтобы успешно сотрудничать с руководителями, принимающими ключевые решения, и VIP-партнерами, необходимо овладеть подходами и навыками, которые не используются в работе с другими клиентами. Иначе Вы просто не пройдете «фейс-контроль»! Почему? Потому что влиятельные люди мыслят, действуют и работают по другим правилам. Аудиокнига «Face Control. Правила назначения встреч, ведения переговоров и заключения сделок с VIP-клиентами» поможет продавцам овладеть навыками успешной работы с ключевыми клиентами и VIP-партнерами.

Machine-Building Automation. Автоматизация машиностроения. Учебное пособие Machine-Building Automation. Автоматизация машиностроения. Учебное пособие

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Пакеты расширения Matlab. Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox Пакеты расширения Matlab. Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox

Автор: В. М. Перельмутер

Год издания: 

В книге описаны пакеты расширения Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox системы MATLAB 7, предназначенные для анализа и синтеза систем управления. Коротко изложены основные теоретические положения, принятые при разработке указанных пакетов расширения. Приведены многочисленные примеры использования этих пакетов расширения для решения конкретных задач с подробным пояснением выполняемых операций. Показаны возможности совместного использования пакетов Control System Toolbox и Robust Control Toolbox с пакетом Simulink, что увеличивает возможности всех трех указанных пакетов расширения. Книга может быть использована студентами вузов соответствующих специальностей при курсовом и дипломном проектировании, инженерами и научными работниками при создании новых и исследованиях уже разработанных систем автоматического управления. Книга рассчитана как на начинающих, так и на достаточно опытных пользователей.

Self-control: A Novel Self-control: A Novel

Автор: Mary Brunton

Год издания: 

Deep Value. Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations Deep Value. Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations

Автор: Tobias Carlisle E.

Год издания: 

The economic climate is ripe for another golden age of shareholder activism Deep Value: Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations is a must-read exploration of deep value investment strategy, describing the evolution of the theories of valuation and shareholder activism from Graham to Icahn and beyond. The book combines engaging anecdotes with industry research to illustrate the principles and methods of this complex strategy, and explains the reasoning behind seemingly incomprehensible activist maneuvers. Written by an active value investor, Deep Value provides an insider's perspective on shareholder activist strategies in a format accessible to both professional investors and laypeople. The Deep Value investment philosophy as described by Graham initially identified targets by their discount to liquidation value. This approach was extremely effective, but those opportunities are few and far between in the modern market, forcing activists to adapt. Current activists assess value from a much broader palate, and exploit a much wider range of tools to achieve their goals. Deep Value enumerates and expands upon the resources and strategies available to value investors today, and describes how the economic climate is allowing value investing to re-emerge. Topics include: Target identification, and determining the most advantageous ends Strategies and tactics of effective activism Unseating management and fomenting change Eyeing conditions for the next M&A boom Activist hedge funds have been quiet since the early 2000s, but economic conditions, shareholder sentiment, and available opportunities are creating a fertile environment for another golden age of activism. Deep Value: Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations provides the in-depth information investors need to get up to speed before getting left behind.