In fluid mechanics, non-intrusive measurements are fundamental in order to improve knowledge of the behavior and main physical phenomena of flows in order to further validate codes. The principles and characteristics of the different techniques available in laser metrology are described in detail in this book. Velocity, temperature and concentration measurements by spectroscopic techniques based on light scattered by molecules are achieved by different techniques: laser-induced fluorescence, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering using lasers and parametric sources, and absorption spectroscopy by tunable laser diodes, which are generally better suited for high velocity flows. The size determination of particles by optical means, a technique mainly applied in two-phase flows, is the subject of another chapter, along with a description of the principles of light scattering. For each technique the basic principles are given, as well as optical devices and data processing. A final chapter reminds the reader of the main safety precautions to be taken when using powerful lasers. Получить ссылку |
Capacity. Create Laser Focus, Boundless Energy, and an Unstoppable Drive In Any Organization
Автор: Chris Johnson
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Optimize your talent by removing the obstacles in their path Capacity is a proven system for bringing the best out of your team-and yourself. Matt and Chris Johnson set the mark on how to succeed in the future with their energizing message, humorous stories and their generational differences. As the world speeds-up faster and faster, organizations and their people try to keep up. This pressure to do more with less has reached epidemic levels of concern and organizations are panicking on how to recruit, retain and attract the best talent for the future. Burnout, low engagement, and overwhelming stress are jeopardizing organizations’ ability to scale and win. As outdated performance models of the past crumble under pressure, Matt and Chris show you how to build and protect your most valuable asset—YOUR PEOPLE. What if you could beat the clock and expand your capacity by 6 hours per week? Or 11? Think about the organizational impact if your workforce were given fresh capacity to perform, lead, and grow. This book offers a clear, workable solution for organizations functioning in the real world: by paring it down to three performance pillars they must have to succeed—focus, energy, and drive. Ever organization sets initiatives, but many remain unfinished because their capacity to do so fails before it starts. This framework is different: these changes bring the type of benefits that cause transformation. Giving your people what they need makes buy-in irrelevant, and allows them to perform at their highest potential. Not only can it work, but it is the only thing that will work over the long term. By making your organization a great place to work, you retain your best talent and attract more like it. With dedicated resources, focus, sustainable effort, and comprehensive strategy, your top performers will be equipped to drive your organization to the top. Among Capacity’s Key Points: Learn what top performers need to produce their very best work Discover the biggest factor influencing your team’s FOCUS, ENERGY and DRIVE Prevent burnout and stimulate innovation by allowing your people to have a bigger container Adopt a strategy of expanding capacity to exceed your high-performance goals Deeply personal, but organizational focused. Capacity is an engaging and even life changing book Capacity is the next big paradigm shift for the future of training and development—as we shift to the world of the knowledge worker, it is not information or talent that wins, it’s is whoever has the largest capacity that will win. Capacity is your secret weapon to winning the performance war.
Quantitative Credit Portfolio Management. Practical Innovations for Measuring and Controlling Liquidity, Spread, and Issuer Concentration Risk
Автор: Lev Dynkin
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An innovative approach to post-crash credit portfolio management Credit portfolio managers traditionally rely on fundamental research for decisions on issuer selection and sector rotation. Quantitative researchers tend to use more mathematical techniques for pricing models and to quantify credit risk and relative value. The information found here bridges these two approaches. In an intuitive and readable style, this book illustrates how quantitative techniques can help address specific questions facing today's credit managers and risk analysts. A targeted volume in the area of credit, this reliable resource contains some of the most recent and original research in this field, which addresses among other things important questions raised by the credit crisis of 2008-2009. Divided into two comprehensive parts, Quantitative Credit Portfolio Management offers essential insights into understanding the risks of corporate bonds—spread, liquidity, and Treasury yield curve risk—as well as managing corporate bond portfolios. Presents comprehensive coverage of everything from duration time spread and liquidity cost scores to capturing the credit spread premium Written by the number one ranked quantitative research group for four consecutive years by Institutional Investor Provides practical answers to difficult question, including: What diversification guidelines should you adopt to protect portfolios from issuer-specific risk? Are you well-advised to sell securities downgraded below investment grade? Credit portfolio management continues to evolve, but with this book as your guide, you can gain a solid understanding of how to manage complex portfolios under dynamic events.
Risk Finance and Asset Pricing. Value, Measurements, and Markets
Автор: Charles Tapiero S.
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A comprehensive guide to financial engineering that stresses real-world applications Financial engineering expert Charles S. Tapiero has his finger on the pulse of shifts coming to financial engineering and its applications. With an eye toward the future, he has crafted a comprehensive and accessible book for practitioners and students of Financial Engineering that emphasizes an intuitive approach to financial and quantitative foundations in financial and risk engineering. The book covers the theory from a practitioner perspective and applies it to a variety of real-world problems. Examines the cornerstone of the explosive growth in markets worldwide Presents important financial engineering techniques to price, hedge, and manage risks in general Author heads the largest financial engineering program in the world Author Charles Tapiero wrote the seminal work Risk and Financial Management.
Focus Like a Laser Beam. 10 Ways to Do What Matters Most
Автор: Keith Ferrazzi
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In Focus Like a Laser Beam, acclaimed management consultant and business blogger Lisa Haneberg offers business leaders a new way to direct their focus that, like a laser beam, is direct, fast, and on track. The book offers leaders ways to improve energy and engagement in the workplace and redirect how people communicate at work. Focus Like a Laser Beam is filled with useful suggestions for dealing with distractions and diversions and outlines the ten practices that will help leaders focus on what’s most important. Know and feel the power of laser focus Get connected with your employees Have fun and be fun Relax to energize Turn meetings into focus sessions Invite a challenge Huddle Stop multitasking and put your focus where it belongs Do one great thing Let go of outdated goals, projects, and tasks
Laser. Grundlagen und Anwendungen in Photonik, Technik, Medizin und Kunst
Автор: Dieter Bauerle
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Der erste Laser wurde bereits Anfang 1960 als Laborger?t gebaut. Erst in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren ist es aber gelungen, Laser zuverl ?ssiger, stabiler, kompakter und billiger zu erzeugen. Seither schreitet der Siegeszug von Lasern unaufhaltsam voran. Viele «technische Errungenschaften», insbesondere in der Produktionstechnik, basieren auf dem Einsatz von Lasern. Die Lasertechnik ist heute ein eigenst?ndiges Fachgebiet. Mit der Entwicklung langlebiger stabiler und billiger Halbleiterlaser in Kombination mit moderner Optik sowie einer leistungsf?higeren Elektronik und der.
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