Скачать книгу - Disorders of Personality. Introducing a DSM / ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal

Now in its Third Edition, this book clarifies the distinctions between the vast array of personality disorders and helps clinicians make accurate diagnoses. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the changes in the forthcoming DSM-5. Using the classification scheme he pioneered, Dr. Millon guides clinicians through the intricate maze of personality disorders, with special attention to changes in their conceptualization over the last decade. Extensive new research is included, as well as the incorporation of over 50 new illustrative and therapeutically detailed cases. This is every mental health professional's essential volume to fully understanding personality.

Mental Disorders in Epilepsy Mental Disorders in Epilepsy

Автор: B. A. Kazakovtsev

Год издания: 

The monograph shows the opportunity to study the pathogenesis of mental disorders in epilepsy based on the characteristics of its fl ow using clinical methods, structural dynamic, epidemiological and statistical analysis. Structural and dynamic analysis of the major clinical manifestations of the disease (features of personality changes, paroxysmal disorders, psychotic symptoms, dementia) held in accordance with the main patterns of development of the disease, its types and stages. On the basis of the multi-axial classifi cation of epilepsy was developed a model that allows in a retrospective analysis of an-amnestic data and clinical assessment to establish clinical and social criteria for prognosis prediction.

New Normal для России New Normal для России

Автор: К. В. Юдаева

Год издания: 

Концепция New Normal была придумана в США Биллом Гроссом и Мухаммедом Эль-Эрианом из фонда Pimco . Основная идея этой концепции состояла в том, что низкие темпы экономического роста и высокая безработица – это не временная ситуация, в которую экономика попала после острой фазы финансового кризиса и из которой она скоро вернется к докризисной норме. Наоборот, это новая норма для экономики, и продолжаться такая ситуация будет довольно долго.

The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901] The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901]

Автор: Bruce John Mitchell

Год издания: 

CCNA Data Center: Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies Study Guide. Exam 640-916 CCNA Data Center: Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies Study Guide. Exam 640-916

Автор: Todd Lammle

Год издания: 

Complete theory and practice for the CCNA Data Center Technologies exam CCNA Data Center, Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies Study Guide is your comprehensive study guide for exam 640-916. Authors Todd Lammle and Todd Montgomery, authorities on Cisco networking, guide you through 100% of all exam objectives with expanded coverage of key exam topics, and hands-on labs that help you become confident in dealing with everyday challenges. You'll get access to the free Nexus switch simulator that allows you to try your hand at what you've learned without expensive software, plus bonus study aids, such as electronic flashcards, a practice exam, and a searchable PDF glossary of terms. Coverage includes Data Center networking and virtualization, storage networking, unified fabric, Cisco UCS configuration, Data Center services, and much more, for complete exam preparation. This is your guide to study for the entire second (and final) exam required for certification Review networking principles, products, and technologies Understand Nexus 1000V and Data Center virtualization Learn the principles and major configurations of Cisco UCS Practice hands-on solutions you'll employ on the job Prepare for using Cisco's Unified Data Center, which unifies computing, storage, networking, and management resources

nvesting for a Lifetime. Managing Wealth for the nvesting for a Lifetime. Managing Wealth for the "New Normal

Автор: Richard Marston C.

Год издания: 

Investing for a Lifetime is designed to make saving and investing understandable to the investor. Wharton Professor Richard C. Marston, 2014 recipient of the Investment Management Consultants Association’s prestigious Matthew R. McArthur Award, guides an investor through the main investment decisions throughout a lifetime. Investing for a Lifetime shows: how younger investors can set savings goals how both younger and older investors can choose investment portfolios to achieve these goals how investors can sustain spending once reaching retirement. Younger and older investors alike should understand savings goals that will provide enough income to sustain spending in retirement. They should devise rates of saving that allow them to reach their goals by the time of retirement. Though retirement is often the main goal of investing, it’s not the only one. Marston discusses how funding a child’s education or saving for a down payment for a home affects overall saving. Sensible investing is also necessary for savings goals to be realized. Investing need not be complicated, but Marston explains that a diversified portfolio should include a mix of different types of U.S. stocks, foreign stocks, real estate as well as bonds. He describes each of these asset classes and shows how they fit in an investor’s portfolio. He shows how investors can monitor the performance of their portfolios by establishing benchmarks for each asset class to judge how well their investments are doing. He focuses particular attention on those investors nearing retirement. In today’s low interest rate environment, he discusses whether it is possible to fund retirement from interest and dividends alone. He shows how savings combined with Social Security can fund retirement spending. And he asks how the “New Normal” of lower returns might force investors to save more than in past decades, and to spend less in retirement than in the past. Investing for a Lifetime is for investors who want to understand more about the savings and investment process, particularly those who worry about whether their retirement savings will last a lifetime.