Скачать книгу - Intelligente Werbung, Exzellentes Marketing. Ein Praktischer Leitfaden zu Kundenpsychologie und Neuromarketing, Prozessen und Partnermanagement

Dieses Buch richtet sich an Marketingverantwortliche und Agenturen. Es bietet eine pragmatische Vorgehensweise fur die Erstellung von «Advertisements that sell»: – ein Reifegradmodell (Basic, Managed, Advanced, Excellent), anhand dessen jeder Mitarbeiter und jede Fuhrungskraft schnell feststellen kann, wie gut die Marketingorganisation wirklich ist und ob noch unentdeckte Reserven in ihr stecken, und – ein Referenzmodell, an dem jeder Marketer seine Ablaufe und Strukturen spiegeln kann, um gezielt Ansatzpunkte fur die Optimierung der Marketingprozesse zu identifizieren. Diese Modelle orientieren sich an den drei Grundbausteinen der Exzellenz fur effiziente und erfolgreiche Marketingkommunikation: – «Wie muss ich meine Werbung gestalten, dass der Adressat nicht nur auf sie aufmerksam wird, sondern auch sofort versteht, welches Bedurfnis er haben soll?» – «Wie komme ich schnell und wirksam zu einem sehr guten Ergebnis fur meine Markenfuhrung?» – Und da es noch schwieriger ist, Ideen umzusetzen, als sie zu generieren, bietet das Buch praxisorientierte Prozesse und Leitlinien, mit denen der Leser die Erkenntnisse aus den anderen Bereichen umsetzen und dabei auch noch die Marketingeffizienz «monitoren» kann. Untermauert wird dies alles durch gute und schlechte Beispiele; Checklisten und Templates erleichtern die praktische Umsetzung.

Werbung Werbung

Автор: О. Романенко

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие включает в себя аутентичные тексты, а также комплекс упражнений и предназначено для практических занятий по немецкому языку со студентами факультета экономики и управления, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 100400.62 Туризм, 100100.62 Сервис, 080100.62 Экономика, 080400.62 Управление персоналом.

Играй & Богатей multi-LEVEL GAME / marketing. Игра / Успех Играй & Богатей multi-LEVEL GAME / marketing. Игра / Успех

Автор: Бизнес

Год издания: 

В увлекательной форме игры описан многоуровневый алгоритм достижения успеха в сетевом маркетинге. Приводятся рекомендации для новичков и профессионалов в этом бизнесе.

Geschichte Gesamt. Praktischer Leitfaden fur die Esser der Zeit Geschichte Gesamt. Praktischer Leitfaden fur die Esser der Zeit

Автор: Lim Word

Год издания: 

War Sulla vor Spartacus oder umgekehrt? Nero – vor oder nach Caligula? Was sind die Dynastien der Habsburger und der Hohenzollern, welche Rolle spielten sie bei der Grundung des Zweiten Reiches? Wie viele Als der Yom Kippur Krieg ausbrach und wer ihn gewann? Warum ist die gro?e UdSSR zusammengebrochen? Erinnern wir uns an alles, was uns einmal beruhrt hat, wir werden den Film der Zeit, Rahmen fur Rahmen, durchsehen, um alles richtig zu machen.

Predictive Marketing. Easy Ways Every Marketer Can Use Customer Analytics and Big Data Predictive Marketing. Easy Ways Every Marketer Can Use Customer Analytics and Big Data

Автор: Omer Artun

Год издания: 

Make personalized marketing a reality with this practical guide to predictive analytics Predictive Marketing is a predictive analytics primer for organizations large and small, offering practical tips and actionable strategies for implementing more personalized marketing immediately. The marketing paradigm is changing, and this book provides a blueprint for navigating the transition from creative- to data-driven marketing, from one-size-fits-all to one-on-one, and from marketing campaigns to real-time customer experiences. You'll learn how to use machine-learning technologies to improve customer acquisition and customer growth, and how to identify and re-engage at-risk or lapsed customers by implementing an easy, automated approach to predictive analytics. Much more than just theory and testament to the power of personalized marketing, this book focuses on action, helping you understand and actually begin using this revolutionary approach to the customer experience. Predictive analytics can finally make personalized marketing a reality. For the first time, predictive marketing is accessible to all marketers, not just those at large corporations – in fact, many smaller organizations are leapfrogging their larger counterparts with innovative programs. This book shows you how to bring predictive analytics to your organization, with actionable guidance that get you started today. Implement predictive marketing at any size organization Deliver a more personalized marketing experience Automate predictive analytics with machine learning technology Base marketing decisions on concrete data rather than unproven ideas Marketers have long been talking about delivering personalized experiences across channels. All marketers want to deliver happiness, but most still employ a one-size-fits-all approach. Predictive Marketing provides the information and insight you need to lift your organization out of the campaign rut and into the rarefied atmosphere of a truly personalized customer experience.

Customer-Centric Marketing. Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers Customer-Centric Marketing. Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers

Автор: Aldo Cundari

Год издания: 

The practical, expert guide to reaching the new consumer Customer-Centric Marketing is a comprehensive game plan on succeeding in the new marketing landscape by focusing on the customer. Written by one of Canada's top communications pioneers, this book examines the complex forces influencing the rise of empowered and demanding customers and outlines a framework that helps marketers exploit these forces to engage them. You'll find actionable advice to help you pull together these seemingly independent elements to create a customer-centric business model that is ideally positioned to take on the dynamic requirements of today's marketing environment, and learn the strategic rules that CMOs can use to model their organizations to win. Valuable insights on customer experience, innovation, content, social media, and operating strategies will help you formulate a workable plan, and when combined with the practical guidance and expert advice, enable you to put your plan into action today. The new purchasing journey has created a whole new set of customer touch points with unique needs, and has identified key activity areas that drive success or failure in the marketplace. This guide helps you sort it all out, and make your organization rise to the top. Define the new customer-purchasing journey Identify and influence the new consumer Engage, nurture, and utilize brand advocates to spread your message Position your organization to win in the new marketplace As customers evolve, smart companies evolve with them, and, with a track record that speaks for itself, putting the customer at the center of strategic thinking is the key to a winning plan,. Consumer evolution is happening more rapidly than ever before, and keeping your organization out in front has never been more important. Customer-Centric Marketing provides the concrete framework, expert insight, and actionable advice that turns strategy into reality.