Скачать книгу - Exterior Building Enclosures. Design Process and Composition for Innovative Facades

A comprehensive guide to the design and execution of sophisticated exterior building enclosures Focused on the design process for architects and related professionals, this book addresses the design and execution of sophisticated exterior building enclosures for a number of commercial building types and in a variety of building materials. It focuses on the design process by delineating enclosure basics, the participants (owners, architects, engineers, consultants) and their roles and responsibilities through collaboration, and tracking the design process through construction. This comprehensive handbook covers all of the factors that affect the design of a building enclosure, including function, visual aesthetics, performance requirements, and many other criteria. In-depth case studies of projects of various scales, types, and climate conditions illustrate the successful implementation of exterior wall enclosure solutions in brick masonry, stone, architectural concrete, glass, and metals. This unique and indispensable guide: Defines the functions, physical requirements, design principles, and types of exterior building enclosures Identifies the participants in the design and construction process and specifies their roles and responsibilities Presents a step-by-step process for the design of exterior enclosures, from defining goals and developing concepts through creating construction documents Reviews the construction process from bidding and negotiation through the paper phase to the «brick and mortar» stage Provides details on the properties of exterior enclosure materials, including structural considerations, weather protection, fire safety, and more Covers a variety of materials, including brick masonry, natural stone masonry, architectural concrete, metal framing and glass, and all-glass enclosures Written by the technical director of the San Francisco office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Exterior Building Enclosures is an indispensable resource for architects, engineers, facade consultants, and green design consultants working on commercial building projects.

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Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir

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The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.

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Автор: Mark Scardina

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Written by members of the Oracle XML group, this is a must-have reference for all IT managers, DBAs, and developers who want to learn the best practices for using XML with Oracle’s XML-enabled products. Includes real-world case studies based on theauthors’ experience managing Oracle’s XML Discussion Forum - a community of 20,000+ XML component users.

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Автор: колектив авторов

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Автор: Келби Скотт

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Авторы книги поставили перед собой цель предложить читателю самые лучшие советы и приемы работы с InDesign, которые постоянно используются профессионалами. В книге не описывается интерфейс программы, не излагаются теоретические сведения, не приводятся длинные пошаговые инструкции. Изучив представленные авторами советы, вы научитесь работать намного эффективнее, независимо от того, занимаетесь вы версткой рекламных объявлений или многостраничных документов, допечатной подготовкой документов или же подготовкой документов к размещению в Internet. Книга рассчитана на читателей с различным уровнем подготовки.