Ein Buch fur Praktiker in Unternehmen aller Branchen, insbesondere im B2B-Geschaft, die das Potential der zur Verfugung stehenden Kommunikationskanale noch nicht vollstandig ausgenutzt haben. Angelique Werner bietet Ihnen eine griffige Anleitung, um Ihre externen und internen Kommunikations- und Marketingaktivitaten zu optimieren. Sie liefert Tipps fur die klassischen Kommunikations- und Marketingkanale, wie auch fur den systematischen Aufbau von Social Media. Ein wesentlicher Fokus ist auf das gezielte Social Networking gerichtet, also die konsistente Netzwerkpflege und Kontaktsuche auf innovativen Kanalen. Social Media Marketing und Networking werden anhand eingangiger Praxisbeispiele als Schlussel zum Erfolg vermittelt. Die fundiert dargebotenen Kommunikationsinstrumente lassen sich unabhangig von der Unternehmensgro?e leicht umsetzen, effiziente Marketingstrategien mit einfachen Ma?nahmen schnell und wirksam implementieren. Praktische Tipps, Do?s und Don?ts erganzen das Informationspaket. Ein derart umfassender, praktischer und lebendig geschriebener Uberblick uber alle Facetten der Marketingkommunikation in der Welt von Google, XING, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter usw. ist in dieser Form neu. Er liefert dem Leser sowohl nutzliches Best-Practice-Wissen als auch die Motivation, Kommunikation als Phanomen zu verstehen, das wir permanent selbst mitgestalten konnen und sollten. Angelique Werner ist eine anerkannte Expertin fur innovatives Marketing- und Kommunikationsmanagement sowie eine gefragte Referentin und Autorin. Sie betreibt ein eigenes Blog und ist in allen relevanten Netzwerken prasent. «Ein rundum empfehlenswerter Ratgeber. Sehr praktisch, unkompliziert und gut umzusetzen. Wer wissen will, wie Marketingkommunikation im Social-Media-Zeitalter aussieht, kommt am Buch von Angelique Werner nicht vorbei.» Thomas Koch, Media-Urgestein und Ex-CEO Starcom, Grunder tkm und tk-one «Wenn man Marketingkommunikation auf den neuesten Stand bringen mochte, ist dieser praktische Ratgeber eine wertvolle Hilfe.» Matthias Moritz, CIO und Musikproduzent «Angelique Werner schildert anschaulich und ehrlich ihre Erfahrungen mit Social Media in der B2B-Kommunikation. Mit den zahlreichen Tipps und Checklisten, in denen das Buch die Erkenntnisse strukturiert und zusammenfasst, gewinnen sowohl Einsteiger als auch Fortgeschrittene.» Harriet Kasper, Researcher & Consultant, Fraunhofer-Institut IAO Получить ссылку |
Handbuch der Geschichte Napoleon's des Ersten und seines Zeitalters
Автор: Friedrich Schutz
Год издания:
Примечание: Наполеон I и его время. Полный вариант заголовка: «Handbuch der Geschichte Napoleon's des Ersten und seines Zeitalters / vom Prof. Schutz».
Gamechangers. Creating Innovative Strategies for Business and Brands; New Approaches to Strategy, Innovation and Marketing
Автор: Peter Fisk
Год издания:
Shake up and redefine the market by changing your game! A new generation of businesses is rising out of the maelstrom of economic and technological change across our world. These companies are shaking up the world. In Gamechangers Peter Fisk has sought out the brands and businesses, large and small, from every continent, who are changing the game… and shows how we can learn the best new approaches to strategy and leadership, innovation and marketing from them. ‘Gamechangers’ are disruptive and innovative, they are more ambitious, with stretching vision and enlightened purpose. They find their own space, then shape it in their own vision. Most of all they have great ideas. They outthink their competition, thinking bigger and different. They don’t believe in being slightly cheaper or slightly better. Why be 10% better, when you could be 10 times better? Gamechangers is built around 10 themes that are shaping the future of business, brought to life with 100 case studies from across the world, and 16 practical canvases to make the best ideas happen in your business. The book is supported by a range of seminars, workshops and digital resources. Gamechangers offers guidance on: Thinking smarter and acting faster Embracing the new tricks of business Understanding how gamechangers dream and disrupt Delivering practical results and winning
Building an Innovative Learning Organization. A Framework to Build a Smarter Workforce, Adapt to Change, and Drive Growth
Автор: Russell Sarder
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Institute a culture of learning to boost organizational performance and agility What makes organizations successful? Today, most successful companies are learning organizations. Building an Innovative Learning Organization shows you how to join their ranks and bring your organization up to the head of the class. This book is a practical, actionable guide on how to boost performance, successfully manage change, and innovate more quickly. Learning organizations are composed of engaged, motivated employees who continually seek improvement, which leads to organizational agility and the ability to innovate ahead of the curve. When you encourage learning at every level, from the intern to the C suite, you gain a more highly skilled workforce with a greater ability to act in any situation. Building an Innovative Learning Organization shows you how to create this culture in your organization, with detailed explanations, practical examples, and step-by-step instructions so you can get started right away. Written by a recognized thought leader in the training industry, this informative and insightful guide is your roadmap to a more effective organization. You will discover how to: Attract, retain, and motivate the best employees Become a more innovative and agile organization Create a culture of continuous self-improvement Encourage learning at all levels and translate it into action Learning and education doesn't end at graduation—it's a lifelong process that keeps you relevant, informed, and better able to achieve your goals. These same benefits apply at the organizational level, making the culture self-sustaining: learning organizations attract top workers, who drive the organization forward, which attracts more top workers. If you want the best people, you have to be their best option. Building an Innovative Learning Organization gives you a blueprint for building a culture of learning, for a stronger, more robust organization.
Hacking Marketing. Agile Practices to Make Marketing Smarter, Faster, and More Innovative
Автор: Scott Brinker
Год издания:
Apply software-inspired management concepts to accelerate modern marketing In many ways, modern marketing has more in common with the software profession than it does with classic marketing management. As surprising as that may sound, it's the natural result of the world going digital. Marketing must move faster, adapt more quickly to market feedback, and manage an increasingly complex set of customer experience touchpoints. All of these challenges are shaped by the dynamics of software—from the growing number of technologies in our own organizations to the global forces of the Internet at large. But you can turn that to your advantage. And you don't need to be technical to do it. Hacking Marketing will show you how to conquer those challenges by adapting successful management frameworks from the software industry to the practice of marketing for any business in a digital world. You'll learn about agile and lean management methodologies, innovation techniques used by high-growth technology companies that any organization can apply, pragmatic approaches for scaling up marketing in a fragmented and constantly shifting environment, and strategies to unleash the full potential of talent in a digital age. Marketing responsibilities and tactics have changed dramatically over the past decade. This book now updates marketing management to better serve this rapidly evolving discipline. Increase the tempo of marketing's responsiveness without chaos or burnout Design «continuous» marketing programs and campaigns that constantly evolve Drive growth with more marketing experiments while actually reducing risk Architect marketing capabilities in layers to better scale and adapt to change Balance strategic focus with the ability to harness emergent opportunities As a marketer and a manager, Hacking Marketing will expand your mental models for how to lead marketing in a digital world where everything—including marketing—flows with the speed and adaptability of software.
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