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Praise for Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Second Edition «In this new edition of Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Dr. Chu distills the wisdom he has gained from many years spent building and directing an extraordinary therapeutic community in a major teaching hospital. Both beginners and experienced clinicians will benefit from this book's unfailing clarity, balance, and pragmatism. An invaluable resource.»—Judith L. Herman, MD, Director of Training for the Victims of Violence Program, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, MA «The need for this work is immense, as is the reward. Thank you, Dr. Chu, for continuing to share your sustaining insight and wisdom in this updated edition.»– Christine A. Courtois, founder and principal, Christine A. Courtois PhD & Associates, PLC, Washington, DC; author of Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy and Recollections of Sexual Abuse Praise for the first edition: «Dr. James Chu charts a deliberate and thoughtful approach to the treatment of severely traumatized patients. Written in a straightforward style and richly illustrated with clinical vignettes, Rebuilding Shattered Lives is filled with practical advice on therapeutic technique and clinical management. This is a reassuring book that moves beyond the confusion and controversies to address the critical underlying issues and integrate traditional psychotherapy with more recent understanding of the effects of trauma and pathological dissociation.» —Frank W. Putnam, MD A fully revised, proven approach to the assessment andtreatment of post-traumatic and dissociative disorders—reflecting treatment advances since 1998 Rebuilding Shattered Lives presents valuable insights into the rebuilding of adult psyches shattered in childhood, drawing on the author's extensive research and clinical experience specializing in treating survivors of severe abuse. The new edition includes: Developments in the treatment of complex PTSD More on neurobiology, crisis management, and psychopharmacology for trauma-related disorders Examination of early attachment relationships and their impact on overall development The impact of disorganized attachment on a child's vulnerability to various forms of victimization An update on the management of special issues This is an essential guide for every therapist working with clients who have suffered severe trauma.

An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine

Автор: Thomas Baynton

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine : With observations, and cases in illustration / By Thomas Baynton».

Mental Disorders in Epilepsy Mental Disorders in Epilepsy

Автор: B. A. Kazakovtsev

Год издания: 

The monograph shows the opportunity to study the pathogenesis of mental disorders in epilepsy based on the characteristics of its fl ow using clinical methods, structural dynamic, epidemiological and statistical analysis. Structural and dynamic analysis of the major clinical manifestations of the disease (features of personality changes, paroxysmal disorders, psychotic symptoms, dementia) held in accordance with the main patterns of development of the disease, its types and stages. On the basis of the multi-axial classifi cation of epilepsy was developed a model that allows in a retrospective analysis of an-amnestic data and clinical assessment to establish clinical and social criteria for prognosis prediction.

Конструкция Complex Object в английском языке. Правила и упражнения Конструкция Complex Object в английском языке. Правила и упражнения

Автор: Татьяна Олива Моралес

Год издания: 

В данной брошюре подробно рассматривается конструкция Complex Object (сложное дополнение) в английском языке на примерах и упражнениях по переводу с русского языка на английский для закрепления полученных навыков. Все упражнения адаптированы по методике © «Лингвистический Реаниматор». К упражнению, представляющему особую сложность, даны ключи (правильные ответы).

Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее) в английском языке. Правила, упражнения, тест Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее) в английском языке. Правила, упражнения, тест

Автор: Татьяна Олива Моралес

Год издания: 

В данной брошюре подробно рассматривается конструкция Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее) в английском языке на примерах и упражнениях по переводу с русского языка на английский для закрепления полученных навыков. Большая часть упражнений адаптирована по методике © «Лингвистический Реаниматор». В конце брошюры дан тест на изученную тему с ключами (правильными ответами).

The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901] The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901]

Автор: Bruce John Mitchell

Год издания: