Discover sustainable methods for designing crucial building systems for architects. This indispensable companion to Norbert Lechner's landmark volume Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Third Edition completes the author's mission to cover all topics in the field of sustainable environmental control. It provides knowledge appropriate for the level of complexity needed at the schematic design stage and presents the most up-to-date information available in a concise, logical, accessible manner and arrangement. Although sustainability deals with many issues, those concerning energy and efficiency are the most critical, making an additional goal of this book one of providing architects with the skills and knowledge needed to create buildings that use electricity and water efficiently. Guidelines and rules-of-thumb are provided to help designers make their buildings use less energy, less water, and less of everything else to achieve their primary objectives. In addition, this book: Addresses ways to reduce electricity usage through more efficient lighting systems and appliances and by incorporating automatic switches and control systems that turn off systems not in use. Covers the design of well-planned effluent treatment systems that protect against potential health hazards while also becoming a valuable source of reclaimed water and fertilize.r Provides coverage of fire protection and conveyance systems, including very efficient types of elevators and escalators and designs that encourage the use of stairs or ramps. Complete with case studies that illustrate how these systems are incorporated into large-project plans, Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics is an indispensable resource for any architect involved in a sustainable design project. Получить ссылку |
Audel Practical Electricity
Автор: Paul Rosenberg
Год издания:
Everything begins with the basics To succeed in any of today's electrical specialties, you must first understand the fundamentals. This concise guidebook, fully updated and revised to comply with the National Electrical Code,? provides that solid foundation in electrical theory, circuitry, and common applications. Whether you're pursuing an electrical career, need a refresher course, or simply want to understand the wiring in your home, you'll learn the basics from this book. * Examine the fundamentals of magnetism and electric-ity, conductors, insulators, and circuits * Study common applications including house wiring, lighting, cables, electric heating, and generating * Become familiar with test procedures and electromagnetic induction * Understand inductive and capacitive AC circuits and the principles of alternating current * Explore alarm and intercom wiring, home circuiting, and multiple switching * Find out how generating stations and substations function * Learn from clear, specific text, functional illustrations, and review questions in every chapter
Electricity Markets. Pricing, Structures and Economics
Автор: Chris Harris
Год издания:
Understand the electricity market, its policies and how they drive prices, emissions, and security, with this comprehensive cross-disciplinary book. Author Chris Harris includes technical and quantitative arguments so you can confidently construct pricing models based on the various fluctuations that occur. Whether you?re a trader or an analyst, this book will enable you to make informed decisions about this volatile industry.
Underwater Acoustics. Analysis, Design and Performance of Sonar
Автор: Richard Hodges P.
Год издания:
Offering complete and comprehensive coverage of modern sonar spectrum system analysis, Underwater Acoustics: Analysis, Design and Performance of Sonar provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the subject and has been carefully structured to offer a much-needed update to the classic text by Urick. Expanded to included computational approaches to the topic, this book treads the line between the highly theoretical and mathematical texts and the more populist, non-mathematical books that characterize the existing literature in the field. The author compares and contrasts different techniques for sonar design, analysis and performance prediction and includes key experimental and theoretical results, pointing the reader towards further detail with extensive references. Practitioners in the field of sonar design, analysis and performance prediction as well as graduate students and researchers will appreciate this new reference as an invaluable and timely contribution to the field. Chapters include the sonar equation, radiated, self and ambient noise, active sonar sources, transmission loss, reverberation, transducers, active target strength, statistical detection theory, false alarms, contacts and targets, variability and uncertainty, modelling detections and tactical decision aids, cumulative probability of detection, tracking target motion analysis and localization, and design and evaluation of sonars
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