The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis of microorganisms by extraction and cloning of DNA from a group of microorganisms, or the direct use of the purified DNA or RNA for sequencing, which allows scientists to bypass the usual protocol of isolating and culturing individual microbial species. This method is now used in laboratories across the globe to study microorganism diversity and for isolating novel medical and industrial compounds. Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology is the first comprehensive two-volume reference to cover unculturable microorganisms in a large variety of habitats, which could not previously have been analyzed without metagenomic methodology. It features review articles as well as a large number of case studies, based largely on original publications and written by international experts. This second volume, Metagenomics in Different Habitats, covers such topics as: Viral genomes Metagenomics studies in a variety of habitats, including marine environments and lakes, soil, and human and animal digestive tracts Other habitats, including those involving microbiome diversity in human saliva and functional intestinal metagenomics; diversity of archaea in terrestrial hot springs; and microbial communities living at the surface of building stones Biodegradation Biocatalysts and natural products A special feature of this book is the highlighting of the databases and computer programs used in each study; they are listed along with their sites in order to facilitate the computer-assisted analysis of the vast amount of data generated by metagenomic studies. Such studies in a variety of habitats are described here, which present a large number of different system-dependent approaches in greatly differing habitats. Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology II is an invaluable reference for researchers in metagenomics, microbial ecology, microbiology, and environmental microbiology; those working on the Human Microbiome Project; microbial geneticists; and professionals in molecular microbiology and bioinformatics. Получить ссылку |
The SAP R/3 Handbook, Second Edition
Автор: Jos? Antonio Hern?ndez
Год издания:
Other enhancements and options that have been added and that you can find in this book are related to
subjects such as the following:
Availability is increased, and there are now further options for distributing the system, along with new
powerful platforms.
There is a new change and transport system, including all the facilities of the Transport Management
System (TMS).
In the ABAP workbench, there are a host of new utilities, a stepforward object?oriented ABAP, the
replacement of matchcodes with search helps, and more.
Windows NT is now a very popular platform with thousands of customers. For this reason, this new
edition is operating system independent, dealing with both UNIX and Windows NT where
? The authorization system and administrator duties have been facilitated with the profile generator.
? Since release 4.0 there is a new object?based monitoring architecture and alert monitors.
? The well?known OSS has now become SAPnet, with two variants: R/3 front end and Web front end.
In this edition you will find lots of new things to discover and enjoy. I hope you enjoy this book and
A Handbook Of Commercial Correspondence
Автор: Ashley A.
Год издания:
Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence - это справочник по всем аспектам деловой переписки на английском языке. Справочник неоднократно переиздавался.
Существует также сборник упражнений по деловому письму, который можно приобрести отдельно. Его название - Oxford Correspondence Workbook.
Recueil de differentes pieces sur les arts
Автор: Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Recueil de differentes pieces sur les arts : Trad. de l'allem. / Par m. Winckelmann».
Traite des differentes sortes de preuves qui servent a etablir la verite de l'histoire
Автор: Henri Griffet
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Traite des differentes sortes de preuves qui servent a etablir la verite de l'histoire / par le R.P. Henri Griffet».
Ветераны боевых действий: права, льготы, выплаты. Памятка Beketoff handbook
Автор: Дмитрий Бекетов
Год издания:
Тематика данной памятки – ветераны боевых действий. Правовая основа. Льготы. Пособия. Выплаты. Социальный статус. Памятка Beketoff handbook – краткая подборка информации по определённой тематике с перечнем юридических (правовых) документов, рекомендациями и практическими обзорами. Для чего я писал эту памятку? Являясь ветераном боевых действий, я решил структурировать и обобщить информацию, которая касается данной тематики. Думаю, результаты моего труда могут быть полезны ещё кому-то.
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