Small structural modifications can significantly affect the pharmacokinetic properties of drug candidates. This book, written by a medicinal chemist for medicinal chemists, is a comprehensive guide to the pharmacokinetic impact of functional groups, the pharmacokinetic optimization of drug leads, and an exhaustive collection of pharmacokinetic data, arranged according to the structure of the drug, not its target or indication. The historical origins of most drug classes and general aspects of modern drug discovery and development are also discussed. The index contains all the drug names and synonyms to facilitate the location of any drug or functional group in the book. This compact working guide provides a wealth of information on the ways small structural modifications affect the pharmacokinetic properties of organic compounds, and offers plentiful, fact-based inspiration for the development of new drugs. This book is mainly aimed at medicinal chemists, but may also be of interest to graduate students in chemical or pharmaceutical sciences, preparing themselves for a job in the pharmaceutical industry, and to healthcare professionals in need of pharmacokinetic data. Получить ссылку |
Description of the construction, properties, and varieties of the hydro-pneumatic lock
Автор: W. Congrave
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Description of the construction, properties, and varieties of the hydro-pneumatic lock : shewing the principles of its action, with introductory observations on locks in general, and a supplement containing the demonstration of the spontaneous adjustments of which it is capable, so that its operations may in no way be affected by any possible variations in the canal levels / invented by colonel Congrave».
Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Synthetic Rubber
Автор: D. Beskrovniy
Год издания:
The manual is intended for the 5th year students of the Polymer Faculty of 020015 «Chemical Technology» course. The manual reflects the current state of the elastomers science and production technologies. The focus is on technological methods, based on the scientific understanding of the chemistry in the synthesis of general-purpose and special rubbers, their properties and applications.The content of the manual corresponds to the program of the course «Technology of Elastomers». Published by the decision of the Editing and Publishing Board of Kazan National Research Technological University
Buxton and its Medicinal Waters
Автор: Gifford-Bennet Robert Ottiwell
Год издания:
The Factors of Organic Evolution
Автор: Spencer Herbert
Год издания:
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