Die pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten von einer hochspezialisierten Wissenschaft zu einer Querschnittdisziplin entwickelt, die fur Pharmazeuten, Mikrobiologen, aber auch Mediziner und Qualitatssicherungsbeauftragte von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist. Michael Rieth, promovierter Mikrobiologe mit langjahriger Erfahrung in mikrobiologischer Qualitatsprufung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie, stellt in diesem Buch umfassend alle unterschiedlichen Aktivitaten, Entwicklungen und Technologien dieses dynamischen Gebiets zusammen. Immer aus dem Blickwinkel der pharmazeutischen Praxis, liegt hier das erste deutschsprachige Buch vor, das den wachsenden Anforderungen an Arzneimittelsicherheit und -qualitat Rechnung tragt und selbstverstandlich Erfordernisse nationaler und internationaler (FDA) Kontroll- und Regulierungsbehorden berucksichtigt. Aus dem Inhalt: *Desinfektion, Sterilisation und aseptische Herstellung *mikrobiologisches und physikalisches Monitoring in der Sterilproduktion *Prozessvalidierungen *Auswertung von Bioindikatoren * mikrobiologische Schnellmethoden, z. B. uber Fluoreszenz und Biolumineszenz *Identifizierung von Mikroorganismen (u. a. PCR, Gaschromatographie und MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie) Получить ссылку |
Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
Автор: Wayne Eckerson W.
Год издания:
Tips, techniques, and trends on harnessing dashboard technology to optimize business performance In Performance Dashboards, Second Edition, author Wayne Eckerson explains what dashboards are, where they can be used, and why they are important to measuring and managing performance. As Director of Research for The Data Warehousing Institute, a worldwide association of business intelligence professionals, Eckerson interviewed dozens of organizations that have built various types of performance dashboards in different industries and lines of business. Their practical insights explore how you can effectively turbo-charge performance–management initiatives with dashboard technology. Includes all-new case studies, industry research, news chapters on «Architecting Performance Dashboards» and «Launching and Managing the Project» and updated information on designing KPIs, designing dashboard displays, integrating dashboards, and types of dashboards. Provides a solid foundation for understanding performance dashboards, business intelligence, and performance management Addresses the next generation of performance dashboards, such as Mashboards and Visual Discovery tools, and including new techniques for designing dashboards and developing key performance indicators Offers guidance on how to incorporate predictive analytics, what-if modeling, collaboration, and advanced visualization techniques This updated book, which is 75% rewritten, provides a foundation for understanding performance dashboards, business intelligence, and performance management to optimize performance and accelerate results.
A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation. Jump Start VBA
Автор: William Preinitz
Год издания:
This book is designed to start with simple examples that progressively develop the reader's confidence to take on more complex tasks. There is very little theoretical discussion about computer science, operations research algorithms, mathematics, or finance. The thrust of the book is to teach the reader to break complex tasks down into simple tasks. It then looks to implement those simple tasks into VBA code using a critical subset of the features of the language. The tentative contents is: (1) Why? What? Who? Where? and How? (2) Common Sense (3) Securitizing A Loan Portfolio (4) Understanding the Excel Waterfall (5) Designing the VBA Model (6) Laying the Model Groundwork (7) Recorded Macros: A First Look at the VBA Language (8) Writing Menus: An Introduction to Data, Ranges, Arrays, and Objects (9) Controlling the Flow of the Model (10) Building Messaging Capabilities (11) Designing the Model’s Reports (12) Main Program and Menus (13) Writing the Collateral Selection Code (14) Calculating the Cash Flows (15) Running the Waterfall: Producing Initial Results (16) Debugging the Model (17) Validating the Model (18) Running the Model (19) Building Additional Capabilities (20) Documentation of the Model (21) Managing the Growth of the Model (22) Building Portfolio Monitoring Model (23) Valuation Techniques: How do we Determine Price? (24) Challenging Times For the Deal (25) Parting Admonitions
Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
Автор: Wayne Eckerson W.
Год издания:
Tips, techniques, and trends on how to use dashboard technology to optimize business performance Business performance management is a hot new management discipline that delivers tremendous value when supported by information technology. Through case studies and industry research, this book shows how leading companies are using performance dashboards to execute strategy, optimize business processes, and improve performance. Wayne W. Eckerson (Hingham, MA) is the Director of Research for The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), the leading association of business intelligence and data warehousing professionals worldwide that provide high-quality, in-depth education, training, and research. He is a columnist for SearchCIO.com, DM Review, Application Development Trends, the Business Intelligence Journal, and TDWI Case Studies & Solution.
Investment Manager Analysis. A Comprehensive Guide to Portfolio Selection, Monitoring and Optimization
Автор: Frank Travers J.
Год издания:
Praise for Investment Manager Analysis «This is a book that should have been written years ago. It provides a practical, thorough, and completely objective method to analyze and select an investment manager. It takes the mystery (and the consultants) out of the equation. Without question, this book belongs on every Plan Sponsor's desk.» —Dave Davenport, Assistant Treasurer, Lord Corporation, author of The Equity Manager Search «An insightful compendium of the issues that challenge those responsible for hiring and firing investment managers. Frank Travers does a good job of taking complicated analytical tools and methodologies and explaining them in a simple, yet practical manner. Anyone responsible for conducting investment manager due diligence should have a copy on their bookshelf.» —Leon G. Cooperman, Chairman and CEO, Omega Advisors, Inc. «Investment Manager Analysis provides a good overview of the important areas that purchasers of institutional investment management services need to consider. It is a good instructional guide, from which search policies and procedures can be developed, as well as a handy reference guide.» —David Spaulding, President, The Spaulding Group, Inc. «This book is the definitive work on the investment manager selection process. It is comprehensive in scope and well organized for both the layman and the professional. It should be required reading for any organization or individual seeking talent to manage their assets.» —Scott Johnston, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Sterling Johnston Capital Management, LP «Investment Manager Analysis is a much-needed, comprehensive review of the manager selection process. While the industry is riddled with information about selecting individual stocks, comparatively little has been written on the important subject of manager selection for fund sponsors. This is a particularly useful guide for the less experienced practitioner and offers considerable value to the veteran decisionmaker as well.» —Dennis J. Trittin, CFA, Portfolio Manager, Russell Investment Group
Vibration-based Condition Monitoring. Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications
Автор: Robert Randall Bond
Год издания:
Without doubt the best modern and up-to-date text on the topic, wirtten by one of the world leading experts in the field. Should be on the desk of any practitioner or researcher involved in the field of Machine Condition Monitoring Simon Braun, Israel Institute of Technology Explaining complex ideas in an easy to understand way, Vibration-based Condition Monitoring provides a comprehensive survey of the application of vibration analysis to the condition monitoring of machines. Reflecting the natural progression of these systems by presenting the fundamental material and then moving onto detection, diagnosis and prognosis, Randall presents classic and state-of-the-art research results that cover vibration signals from rotating and reciprocating machines; basic signal processing techniques; fault detection; diagnostic techniques, and prognostics. Developed out of notes for a course in machine condition monitoring given by Robert Bond Randall over ten years at the University of New South Wales, Vibration-based Condition Monitoring: Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications is essential reading for graduate and postgraduate students/ researchers in machine condition monitoring and diagnostics as well as condition monitoring practitioners and machine manufacturers who want to include a machine monitoring service with their product. Includes a number of exercises for each chapter, many based on Matlab, to illustrate basic points as well as to facilitate the use of the book as a textbook for courses in the topic. Accompanied by a website www.wiley.com/go/randall housing exercises along with data sets and implementation code in Matlab for some of the methods as well as other pedagogical aids. Authored by an internationally recognised authority in the area of condition monitoring.
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