Скачать книгу - Aerial Life. Spaces, Mobilities, Affects

NOMINATED AND SHORT LISTED FOR THE SURVEILLANCE STUDIES BOOK PRIZE 2011! This theoretically informed research explores what the development and transformation of air travel has meant for societies and individuals. Brings together a number of interdisciplinary approaches towards the aeroplane and its relation to society Presents an original theory that our societies are aerial societies, or 'aerealities', and shows how we are both enabled and threatened by aerial mobility Features a series of detailed international case studies which map the history of aviation over the past century – from the promises of early flight, to World War II bombing campaigns, and to the rise of international terrorism today Demonstrates the transformational capacity of air transport to shape societies, bodies and individual identities Offers startling historical evidence and bold new ideas about how the social and material spaces of the aeroplane are considered in the modern era

Love of Life. Selected Stories Love of Life. Selected Stories

Автор: Джек Лондон

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Представляемая на английском языке аудиоверсия рассказов Джека Лондона – это возможность услышать в оригинале один из лучших сборников автора. К тому времени, когда Лондон начал писать, он перепробовал десяток занятий: бродяжничал, был студентом, плавал матросом, состоял в социалистической партии, участвовал в марше безработных, искал золото на Клондайке. Все эти впечатления нашли непосредственное отражение в его творчестве, именно поэтому его произведения так реалистичны и наполнены подлинным дыханием жизни. Основой сюжета рассказа «Love of Life» («Любовь к жизни») послужили действительные события, происшедшие на Аляске, о которых писатель узнал из газет. Добавить к ним опыт голоданий и «хождений по мукам», которые пережил сам Лондон, его впечатления от пребывания на Аляске, – и прочный успех у читателя обеспечен. Love of Life The Story of Keesh The White Silence Grit of Women The Marriage of Lit-lit The White Man's Way The Story of Jees Uck

Мы и наши будни. We and our day-to-day life. Учебное пособие Мы и наши будни. We and our day-to-day life. Учебное пособие

Автор: В. А. Тырыгина

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Journeys in the Search for the Meaning of Life. A story of those who have found it Journeys in the Search for the Meaning of Life. A story of those who have found it

Автор: Rami Bleckt

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The author of this book is a person with the extraordinary fate. He gave professional consultations to thousands of people from all over the world, conducted seminars and workshops in many countries and travelled a lot. This is the reason that even for a minor character in this book we are faced with real people. A part of the described events the author experienced himself. The book contains neither religious nor political concept. This wonderful book of interesting people's realistic stories gives reader not only a pleasant way of spending time but teachers a great deal of useful things. Every person could practically find something important in it that would change his life for the best.

The Battle of Life. A Love Story The Battle of Life. A Love Story

Автор: Чарльз Диккенс

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The Daltons; Or, Three Roads In Life. Volume I The Daltons; Or, Three Roads In Life. Volume I

Автор: Lever Charles James

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