Скачать книгу - Lipids and Cellular Membranes in Amyloid Diseases

Addressing one of the biggest riddles in current molecular cell biology, this ground-breaking monograph builds the case for the crucial involvement of lipids and membranes in the formation of amyloid deposits. Tying together recent knowledge from in vitro and in vivo studes, and built on a sound biophysical and biochemical foundation, this overview brings the reader up to date with current models of the interplay between membranes and amyloid formation. Required reading for any researcher interested in amyloid formation and amyloid toxicity, and possible avenues for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. From the contents: * Interactions of Alpha-Synuclein with Lipids * Interaction of hIAPP and its Precursors with Membranes * Amyloid Polymorphisms: Structural Basis and Significance in Biology and Molecular Medicine * The Role of Lipid Rafts in Alzheimer's Disease * Alzheimer's Disease as a Membrane-Associated Enzymopathy of Beta-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Secretases * Impaired Regulation of Glutamate Receptor Channels and Signaling Molecules by Beta-Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease * Membrane Changes in BSE and Scrapie * Experimental Approaches and Technical Challenges for Studying Amyloid-Membrane Interactions and more

An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine

Автор: Thomas Baynton

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Полный вариант заголовка: «An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine : With observations, and cases in illustration / By Thomas Baynton».

Neuralgia and the Diseases that Resemble it Neuralgia and the Diseases that Resemble it

Автор: Anstie Francis Edmund

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Treatise on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Mucous Membranes Treatise on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Mucous Membranes

Автор: Bichat Xavier

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Observations on the Diseases of Seamen Observations on the Diseases of Seamen

Автор: Blane Gilbert

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The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901] The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901]

Автор: Bruce John Mitchell

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