Скачать книгу - Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry

Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry provides a definitive text on this important treatment modality. Assisting readers to make sense of the various clinical techniques and protocols, Beagle discusses the available underlying evidence to provide a practical, comprehensive and navigable aid to attaining a thorough understanding of this complex and highly relevant subject. All aspects of immediate placement of endosseous implants are clearly and scientifically discussed, enabling the reader to survey the entire subject area, fusing clinical guidance with scientific discussion. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry takes pre-operative risk assessment and indications and contraindications for immediate loading as its logical starting point. It then proceeds to examine the treatment of infected sites, extraction site healing, methods of extraction, surgical protocol, and finishes with a discussion of complications. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry will find a ready place within libraries of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists and prosthodontists and will provide all dentists with an interest in implant dentistry with a useful and welcome companion to this expanding area of clinical practice and research.

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Автор: И. В. Агеева

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Автор: Н. А. Курашкина

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Russian business law: the essentials Russian business law: the essentials

Автор: Группа авторов

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This publication is intended to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. However, this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require a legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional.

Алексей Айларов основатель компании VoxImplant и Григорий Петров технический евангелист Алексей Айларов основатель компании VoxImplant и Григорий Петров технический евангелист

Автор: Алексей Ларин

Год издания: 

Алексей Айларов работая в компании занимающейся IP-телефонией увидел возможности для развития собственного бизнеса. Сегодня Алексей владелец нескольких сервисов востребованных не только в России, но и за рубежом. Григорий Петров увлеченный и харизматичны технический евангелист. У него много последователей и читателей. В ПРОГРАММЕ: – Может ли молодая компания сделать то, что крупные компании считаю невозможным? – Что значит «лицензировать софт»? – Делать готовый продукт или софт для разработчиков? – Если ты предлагаешь передовой сервис, который не все готовы принять, отказаться от него или формировать у пользователей новые привычки? – Как организовывать продажи если ты разработчик? – Зачем компании евангелист?

Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials For Dummies Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials For Dummies

Автор: Vivian Scott

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Resolving conflict in the workplace? No problem! Working your way through a conflict in the office can present unexpected challenges, but there's no need to feel unprepared – Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials For Dummies has you covered! In the book, you'll find practical, expert guidance on various approaches to negotiating and mediating a successful resolution for you and your team. You'll get coverage of negotiation techniques, mediation methods and solutions for managers and employees dealing with workplace conflict, and tons of tips on building and maintaining successful teams to work through existing conflicts and help avoid future disturbances. Encouraging colleagues to work together toward a common goal is an essential skill that all successful business professionals must possess. Rather than resorting to arguments, surrendering, running away or filing a complaint, this resource shows you how to address uncomfortable conflict in the workplace head-on, giving you the tools and advice you need to restore peace, prevent conflicts from ever starting in the first place, and maintain better productivity while boosting morale. Offers clear instruction for addressing conflicts, resolving disputes and restoring peace and productivity to the workplace Helps you find a solution and explore positive means for resolving conflicts Illustrates how working through problems within your team makes the workplace the positive environment it should be Provides guidance on developing the key negotiation and mediation skills you need to create a harmonious workplace Whether you're new to managing professionals, working your way up the corporate ladder or just want to brush up on your knowledge base, Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials For Dummies has everything you need to ensure your workplace environment is positive and productive!