Скачать книгу - A Companion to Werner Herzog

A Companion to Werner Herzog showcases over two dozen original scholarly essays examining nearly five decades of filmmaking by one of the most acclaimed and innovative figures in world cinema. First collection in twenty years dedicated to examining Herzog’s expansive career Features essays by international scholars and Herzog specialists Addresses a broad spectrum of the director’s films, from his earliest works such as Signs of Life and Fata Morgana to such recent films as The Bad Lieutenant and Encounters at the End of the World Offers creative, innovative approaches guided by film history, art history, and philosophy Includes a comprehensive filmography that also features a list of the director’s acting appearances and opera productions Explores the director’s engagement with music and the arts, his self-stylization as a global filmmaker, his Bavarian origins, and even his love-hate relationship with the actor Klaus Kinski

The Travelling Companions: A Story in Scenes The Travelling Companions: A Story in Scenes

Автор: Anstey F.

Год издания: 

Die Herzogin v. Chicago Die Herzogin v. Chicago

Автор: Имре Кальман

Год издания: 

Werner von Siemens Werner von Siemens

Автор: Furst Artur

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The Companions of Jehu The Companions of Jehu

Автор: Александр Дюма

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The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions

Автор: Говард Пайл

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