Behavior of Exotic Pets is the first book on the subject to be written by behavioral experts, all with a wealth of practical experience. Divided into species-specific chapters, the book explains the normal behavior for each group of animals, including reproduction, parenting, communication and social behavior. The book also addresses animals’ environmental needs based on their behavior to enable owners to provide better husbandry and avoid potential problems. Descriptions of common behavioral problems are included, with practical recommendations for their treatment or management. This text is essential for any veterinary professional who would like to improve their knowledge of exotic animal behavior. It also serves as a valuable reference for animal behaviorists, exotic animal veterinarians, veterinary students, and anyone caring for these animals in captivity. Key features: The first and only book on exotic pet behavior written by behaviorists Covers a wide range of exotic pet species Discusses methods for treating and managing common behavioral problems Offers practical advice on topics such as housing and handling of animals Includes separate chapters on learning, welfare, and behavioral pharmacology Получить ссылку |
Influence of asymmetrical military confrontation on market structure. From the Behavioral point of view by Semiotic approach
Автор: Georgi Hristov
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In this work I look how the conflicts influence on the market structure and its peculiar communication. At the same time is appraised the semiotic substance and power of the signs for the interpretation of a coercive changing economic reality. In the specific aspects of examination are included typical moments of military confrontation in Ukraine and in the territories, where Islamic State has activity. Some observations of the wars in ex-Yugoslavia from the 90s are also included.
Lost and Found. Helping Behaviorally Challenging Students (and, While You're At It, All the Others)
Автор: Ross Greene W.
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Implement a more constructive approach to difficult students Lost and Found is a follow-up to Dr. Ross Greene's landmark works, The Explosive Child and Lost at School, providing educators with highly practical, explicit guidance on implementing his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) Problem Solving model with behaviorally-challenging students. While the first two books described Dr. Greene's positive, constructive approach and described implementation on a macro level, this useful guide provides the details of hands-on CPS implementation by those who interact with these children every day. Readers will learn how to incorporate students' input in understanding the factors making it difficult for them to meet expectations and in generating mutually satisfactory solutions. Specific strategies, sample dialogues, and time-tested advice help educators implement these techniques immediately. The groundbreaking CPS approach has been a revelation for parents and educators of behaviorally-challenging children. This book gives educators the concrete guidance they need to immediately begin working more effectively with these students. Implement CPS one-on-one or with an entire class Work collaboratively with students to solve problems Study sample dialogues of CPS in action Change the way difficult students are treated The discipline systems used in K-12 schools are obsolete, and aren't working for the kids to whom they're most often applied – those with behavioral challenges. Lost and Found provides a roadmap to a different paradigm, helping educators radically transform the way they go about helping their most challenging students.
Laddering. Unlocking the Potential of Consumer Behavior
Автор: Eric Holtzclaw V.
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Marketing and product development best practices for a fragmented economy The rules for marketing and product development have changed forever. You no longer control where and how consumers receive marketing messages. The consumer is in charge, with ever-growing choices and a shrinking decision window. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what drives customer behavior to design products, marketing, and experiences that will succeed. Laddering explains how to better understand your customers' core values. Learn to ask the right questions from your customers, use it to analyze your data, and unlock the true potential of your product or service. Use Laddering techniques to map your customer's DNA and understand why consumers buy from you. Helps you look at your customers in a new way and as a result maximize your profits and reduce your support costs Provides a framework for evaluating what marketing messages, campaigns and experiences are appropriate Author Eric V. Holtzclaw is CEO and founder of User Insight, a user experience research firm and Laddering Works, a marketing strategy and consulting firm. His weekly radio show, The 'Better You' Project, shines a spotlight on entrepreneurs' business journeys, his column Lean Forward appears weekly on INC.com and he is regularly contributor to CMO.com. You must understand what is truly important in order to build relationships with consumers and to market for success in the new many-to-many economy. Laddering offers the tools and knowledge you need to thrive.
Behavioral Marketing. Delivering Personalized Experiences At Scale
Автор: Dave Walters
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Grow revenue by leveraging behavioral marketing during your next campaign Behavioral Marketing guides you in using relatively new marketing tactics to grow revenue and create process efficiencies. An incredibly valuable text, this book defines the key principles of behavioral marketing—including customer journey mapping, channel-level planning, data capture and hygiene, campaign creation, delivery best practices, and measurement/optimization—and shows you how to fix highly inefficient processes while implementing your next marketing initiative. Within the pages of this resource are the secrets to improving processes and becoming more 'revenue predictable'—things that benefit businesses in virtually any industry. Additionally, this book provides you with case studies that spotlight the successes and challenges experienced by other marketing pros, and offer up key lessons to assist you in sharing their triumphs and avoiding their pitfalls. Behavioral marketing, a term first coined in 2008, has become increasingly important as digital marketing tactics have becoming increasingly popular. This particular facet of marketing focuses on responding to the actions, clicks, and behaviors of both current and prospective customers—and allows you to use this data to adapt your marketing efforts to customer preferences. The results of this dynamic marketing approach are often a more predictable revenue stream and a more efficient marketing department, both of which any business would welcome! Understand the key principles of behavioral marketing Create a more 'revenue predictable' business environment Examine case studies across multiple industries Discover how to achieve revenue growth and process efficiencies with the right behavioral marketing tactics Behavioral Marketing is a unique resource that brings value and insight to all marketing professionals using digital marketing tactics.
The Innovative Mindset. 5 Behaviors for Accelerating Breakthroughs
Автор: John Sweeney
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Redefine what it means to be innovative The Innovative Mindset calls the accepted definition of innovation into question, urging you to consider how innovation might function as a behavior that you perpetuate, rather than an inflexible theory or corporate-defined initiative. By asking yourself what it takes to be innovative—and by being honest with yourself about the answer—you can incorporate innovation into your life much in the same way that you would a behavior to help you lose weight, increase your strength, learn to play the piano, or improve your relationships. This groundbreaking text helps you identify what you need to do in order to become more innovative and less fearful, and assists in creating a regimen that transforms how you act. Innovation has become one of the most popular buzz words of the Digital Age, and there is no better time to reevaluate the true meaning of a concept than when it is being touted by individuals and companies around the world. A fresh, practical understanding of innovation can revolutionize the way you think about work. Master innovation by reexamining what it means and how you can implement it as a behavior Explore the transformative power of the Mindset of Discovery in poignant, up-to-date case studies and improvisation-based tenets Spark innovation, maximize productivity, and increase profitability as a result of implementing the Big Five behaviors Boost performance as you foster and leverage your new approach towards innovation The Innovative Mindset reevaluates the nature of innovation and shows how a change in perspective can lead to more dynamic, more successful endeavors.
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