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The third in a trilogy of global overviews of conservation of diverse and ecologically important insect groups. The first two were Beetles in Conservation (2010) and Hymenoptera and Conservation (2012). Each has different priorities and emphases that collectively summarise much of the progress and purpose of invertebrate conservation. Much of the foundation of insect conservation has been built on concerns for Lepidoptera, particularly butterflies as the most popular and best studied of all insect groups. The long-accepted worth of butterflies for conservation has led to elucidation of much of the current rationale of insect species conservation, and to definition and management of their critical resources, with attention to the intensively documented British fauna ‘leading the world’ in this endeavour. In Lepidoptera and Conservation, various themes are treated through relevant examples and case histories, and sufficient background given to enable non-specialist access. Intended for not only entomologists but conservation managers and naturalists due to its readable approach to the subject.

Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012 Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. 2005-2012

Автор: National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture And Herit Arts

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Varske valjaanne votab kokku seni ilmunud muinsuskaitse aastaraamatute parimad palad aastatel 2005-2012.Tutvustamaks Eesti muinsuskaitse tegemisi-toimetusi ka inglisekeelsele lugejaskonnale annab kaesolev trukis hea ulevaate viimase seitsme aasta jooksul tehtud silmapaistvamatest toodest eri valdkondade malestistel. Eraldi rubriikidena on tahelepanu all linnaruum, kirikud, moisad, toostusparand, tehnoloogia ja arheoloogia. Koikide artiklite autorid on oma ala spetsialistid ning huvitavat lugemist leidub nii muinsuskaitse huvilistele, restauraatoritele, arhitektidele kui ka kunstiajaloolastele.Samuti annab kogumik suureparase voimaluse valisspetsialistidele tutvuda Eesti poneva restaureerimismaailmaga ning uurida suvitsi uhe voi teise objekti taassunnilugu. „Estonian Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Conservation. Vol. 1 2005-2012“ is the first edition in English summarizing a collection of articles from previously published national heritage yearbooks. It is an overview of the preservation and conservation of Estonian cultural heritage in the years of 2005-2012. Published by the Estonian National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department and the Department of Cultural Heritage and Conservation at the Estonian Academy of Arts

A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation. Butterflies in the British Landscape A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation. Butterflies in the British Landscape

Автор: Roger L. H. Dennis

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Winner of the Marsh Book of the Year Award 2012 by the British Ecological Society. In A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation Roger Dennis introduces a novel approach to the understanding of habitats based on resources and conditions required by organisms and their access to them, a quantum shift from simplistic and ineffectual notions of habitats as vegetation units or biotopes. In drawing attention to what organisms actually use and need in landscapes, it focuses on resource composition, structure and connectedness, all of which describe habitat quality and underpin landscape heterogeneity. This contrasts with the current bipolar view of landscapes made up of habitat patches and empty matrix but illustrates how such a metapopulation approach of isolated patchworks can grow by adopting the new habitat viewpoint. The book explores principles underlying this new definition of habitat, and the impact of habitat components on populations, species’ distributions, geographical ranges and range changes, with a view to conserving resources in landscapes for whole communities. It does this using the example of butterflies – the most alluring of insects, flagship organisms and key indicators of environmental health – in the British Isles, where they have been studied most intensively. The book forms essential reading for students, researchers and practitioners in ecology and conservation, particularly those concerned with managing sites and landscapes for wildlife.

Conservation of Wildlife Populations. Demography, Genetics and Management Conservation of Wildlife Populations. Demography, Genetics and Management

Автор: L. Mills Scott

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Professor L. Scott Mills has been named a 2009 Guggenheim Fellow by the board of trustees of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Conservation of Wildlife Populations provides an accessible introduction to the most relevant concepts and principles for solving real-world management problems in wildlife and conservation biology. Bringing together insights from traditionally disparate disciplines, the book shows how population biology addresses important questions involving the harvest, monitoring, and conservation of wildlife populations. Covers the most up-to-date approaches for assessing factors that affect both population growth and interactions with other species, including predation, genetic changes, harvest, introduced species, viability analysis and habitat loss and fragmentation. Is an essential guide for undergraduates and postgraduate students of wildlife biology, conservation biology, ecology, and environmental studies and an invaluable resource for practising managers on how population biology can be applied to wildlife conservation and management. Artwork from the book is available to instructors online at www.blackwellpublishing.com/mills. An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at HigherEducation@wiley.com for more information.

The Banggai Cardinalfish. Natural History, Conservation, and Culture of Pterapogon kauderni The Banggai Cardinalfish. Natural History, Conservation, and Culture of Pterapogon kauderni

Автор: Alejandro Vagelli A.

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The Banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, is a fascinating species that possesses a series of remarkable biological characteristics making it unique among coral reef fishes. It has been the focus of studies in reproduction, ecology, population genetics and evolution. In addition, since its rediscovery in the late 1990s, it has become tremendously popular in the international ornamental fish trade, and indiscriminate collecting has led to its inclusion in the 2007 IUCN Red List as an endangered species. This book is divided into three main parts: a general introduction to the fish, including a historical synopsis with an overview of the Banggai Archipelago; a comprehensive treatment of the species’ natural history (distribution, morphology, reproduction, embryology, ecology, genetics, systematics and evolution); an account of the conservation of the species, including descriptions of its fishery, attempts to protect it under CITES, and introduction programmes. The book also includes an appendix offering information on captive breeding, juvenile mortality reduction, and common diseases. This book is a unique resource for ichthyology students and researchers working on fish biology, ecology and conservation, and for marine ornamental fish hobbyists and aquarium professionals. Visit www.wiley.com/go/vagelli/cardinalfish to access the figures and tables from the book.

Hymenoptera and Conservation Hymenoptera and Conservation

Автор: T. New R.

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Hymenoptera, the bees, wasps and ant, are one of the largest insect orders, and have massive ecological importance as pollinators and as predators or parasitoids of other insects. These roles have brought them forcefully to human notice , as governors of some key ecological services that strongly influence human food supply. Recent declines of pollinators and introductions of alien pests or biological control agents are only part of the current concerns for conservation of Hymenoptera, and of the interactions in which they participate in almost all terrestrial ecosystems. Both pests and beneficial species abound within the order, sometimes closely related within the same families. Many taxa are both difficult to identify, and very poorly known. This global overview, the first such account for the whole of the Hymenoptera, discusses a broad range of themes to introduce the insects and their conservation roles and needs, and how their wellbeing may be approached. The book is intended as a source of information for research workers, students, conservation managers and naturalists as an introduction to the importance of this dominant insect order.