Скачать книгу - Essential Developmental Biology

Developmental biology is at the core of biological science, integrating molecular biology, genetics and anatomy. The past 15 years has seen revolutionary advances not only in our understanding of the processes by which an egg develops into an adult, but also in the application of this knowledge to the areas of reproductive technology, drug development and organ replacement. Essential Developmental Biology is a concise and well-illustrated treatment of this subject for undergraduates. Assuming no prior knowledge of anatomy and only the basics of cell biology and genetics, the book starts off by introducing the principles and approaches of developmental biology. The second section covers the characteristic development of each of the principal model species used for research and the final chapters are devoted to organ development, predominantly in vertebrates. With an emphasis throughout on the evidence underpinning the main conclusions, this book is suitable as the key text for both introductory and more advanced courses in developmental biology. A new approach to a widely taught subject. Priced for student purchase at approximately half the price of the main competition. Over 200 illustrations, with artwork available free on the Web. Well-known author/media celebrity. Получить ссылку

Electromagnetics in biology Electromagnetics in biology

Автор: M. Kato

Год издания: 

This book will serve as an ideal guide to the relatively new and complex field of bioelectromagnetics for students and researchers interested in the interaction of biological systems and electromagnetic fields. Coverage details:(1) biological responses of human and animals, both in vivo and in vitro methodologies, to magnetic and/or electromagnetic field exposure, (2) characteristics of effective fields, (3) hypotheses to explain possible mechanisms of interaction between the fields and cells, and (4) induced current in ELF and induced heat in RF fields as key interaction mechanisms.

Основы фонетики английского языка. The Essentials of English Phonetics. Учебное пособие Основы фонетики английского языка. The Essentials of English Phonetics. Учебное пособие

Автор: Н. А. Курашкина

Год издания: 

Russian business law: the essentials Russian business law: the essentials

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

This publication is intended to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. However, this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require a legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional.

Quick & Painless Business Writing: An Essential Guide to Clear and Powerful Communication Quick & Painless Business Writing: An Essential Guide to Clear and Powerful Communication

Автор: Susan F. Benjamin

Год издания: 

Want to send an E-mail your boss will open right away? Need a knock-out proposal to seal a deal? Want to create a Web site that no customer can resist? Quick & Painless Business Writing will show you how. Yes, you can improve your writing without memorizing endless rules, perusing checklists of do’s and don’ts, or revisiting the lessons of high school. Quick & Painless Business Writing reveals secrets that will eliminate business-writing phobias and faux pas and help you create outstanding documents that get optimal results. First, you’ll learn that grammar is not a collection of stagnant rules you’d better follow (or else), but an ever-changing set of principles with plenty of choices. Then you’ll discover secrets about writing your English teachers never told you: the secret power of nouns, the destructive force of innocent-seeming verbs, and the way sentence structure can elicit certain responses. You’ll happily replace what you learned about «structure» with an altogether new understanding of how to open, develop, and close your messages. Even better, you’ll learn how to build a cohesive message quickly, with little need for rewriting. But business writing cannot live on words alone. That’s why this book explores the review process – whether your reviewer is an in-house editor, a client, a boss, or even a spouse – and help you learn strategic ways to approach and manage them. With this information, you’ll do more than write well. You’ll be able to craft strategic messages that get the right response from your reader, whether you want a colleague to send important information now or a customer to say «yes» to your proposal. Have to address a difficult situation? Confront a co-worker? Defend yourself to your boss? Give a bad employee bad news? This book will show you how to do that and more…quickly and painlessly. Хотите отправить грамотное письмо по электронной почте с плохими новостями вашему боссу? Нужно одним сообщением убедить клиента заключить с вами сделку? Хотите узнать секрет неотразимого для посетителей веб-сайта? Книга расскажет вам, как это сделать. Да, именно здесь вы можете научиться улучшать свои деловые сообщения без запоминания бесконечных правил, просмотра контрольных списков и уроков, подобных тем, что дают в школе. Автор раскрывает секреты по ликвидации страха перед написанием писем и бестактности в сообщении и помогает вам научиться создавать документы, достигающие оптимальных результатов в короткие сроки. Вы узнаете, что грамматика – не коллекция устоявшихся правил, которым необходимо следовать, а постоянно меняющийся набор принципов, где каждый подходит для конкретного случая. Вы откроете для себя секретный потенциал существительных, разрушительную силу глаголов, украшающее текст изящество прилагательных. Вы также узнаете, насколько сильно зависит впечатление, производимое текстом, от структуры предложений, содержащихся в нем. Вы поймёте, как можно быстро и легко построить грамотное сообщение, которое потом не придется переписывать по 10 раз. Однако единого правила на любой случай жизни не существует. Именно поэтому в книге рассмотрены самые разнообразные вариации сообщений: для вашего клиента, для босса, для редактора… и даже для вашей второй половинки. Обладая этой информацией, вы будете не просто хорошо писать тексты, вы сможете вырабатывать стратегию сообщений, способную получить согласие практически от любого вашего читателя. Нужно решить трудную ситуацию? Противостоять коллеге? Защитить себя перед начальством? Сообщить сотрудникам плохую новости. Книга покажет вам, как это сделать.

The Essential HR. The Essential HR.

Автор: Armstrong Sharon

Год издания: 

Whether you are a newly promoted manager, a seasoned business owner, or a human resources professional, knowing the ins and outs of dealing with HR issues is critical to your success. The Essential HR Handbook is a quick-reference guide that sheds light on the issues that keep managers up at night. It is filled with information, tools, tips, checklists, and road maps to guide managers and HR professionals through the maze of people and legal issues, from recruiting and retaining the best employees to terminating poor performers. With this book, you'll learn how to effectively and efficiently: • Individually manage each employee, starting on his or her first day. • Manage a multi-generational workforce. • Appraise job performance. • Coach and counsel. • Provide equitable pay, benefits, and total rewards strategies. • Identify legal pitfalls and stay out of court. The Essential HR Handbook is the one HR guide every manager needs on his or her desk!