Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a relatively new building material. Nowadays, its use is progressively changing the method of concrete placement on building sites. However, the successful use of SCC requires a good understanding of the behavior of this material, which is vastly different from traditional concrete. For this purpose, a lot of research has been conducted on this area all over the world since 10 years. Intended for both practitioners and scientists, this book provides research results from the rheological behavior of fresh concrete to durability. Получить ссылку |
Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte von Christian Kapp
Автор: Christian Kapp
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Полный вариант заголовка: «Das concrete Allgemeine der Weltgeschichte / von Christian Kapp».
Advanced Concrete Technology
Автор: Zongjin Li
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Over the past two decades concrete has enjoyed a renewed level of research and testing, resulting in the development of many new types of concrete. Through the use of various additives, production techniques and chemical processes, there is now a great degree of control over the properties of specific concretes for a wide range of applications. New theories, models and testing techniques have also been developed to push the envelope of concrete as a building material. There is no current textbook which brings all of these advancements together in a single volume. This book aims to bridge the gap between the traditional concrete technologies and the emerging state-of-the-art technologies which are gaining wider use.
Dynamic Behavior of Concrete and Seismic Engineering
Автор: Millard Alain
Год издания:
While the static behavior of concrete has been the subject of numerous works, the same cannot be said for the dynamic behavior. This book sets out to remedy this situation: it begins by presenting the most frequently used experimental techniques in the study of the dynamic behavior of concrete, then continues by examining seismicity and seismic behavior, soil behavior, models of concrete structures subject to seismic activity, seismic calculation methods of structures, and paraseismic engineering.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials. Applications to Hemp Concretes
Автор: Arnaud Laurent
Год издания:
Using plant material as raw materials for construction is a relatively recent and original topic of research. This book presents an overview of the current knowledge on the material properties and environmental impact of construction materials made from plant particles, which are renewable, recyclable and easily available. It focuses on particles and as well on fibers issued from hemp plant, as well as discussing hemp concretes. The book begins by setting the environmental, economic and social context of agro-concretes, before discussing the nature of plant-based aggregates and binders. The formulation, implementation and mechanical behavior of such building materials are the subject of the following chapters. The focus is then put upon the hygrothermal behavior and acoustical properties of hempcrete, followed by the use of plant-based concretes in structures. The book concludes with the study of life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the environmental characteristics of a banked hempcrete wall on a wooden skeleton. Contents 1. Environmental, Economic and Social Context of Agro-Concretes, Vincent Nozahic and Sofiane Amziane. 2. Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates. Vincent Picandet. 3. Binders, Gilles Escadeillas, Camille Magniont, Sofiane Amziane and Vincent Nozahic. 4. Formulation and Implementation, Christophe Lanos, Florence Collet, Gerard Lenain and Yves Hustache. 5. Mechanical Behavior, Laurent Arnaud, Sofiane Amziane, Vincent Nozahic and Etienne Gourlay. 6. Hygrothermal Behavior of Hempcrete, Laurent Arnaud, Driss Samri and Etienne Gourlay. 7. Acoustical Properties of Hemp Concretes, Philippe Gle, Emmanuel Gourdon and Laurent Arnaud. 8. Plant-Based Concretes in Structures: Structural Aspect – Addition of a Wooden Support to Absorb the Strain, Philippe Munoz and Didier Pipet. 9. Examination of the Environmental Characteristics of a Banked Hempcrete Wall on a Wooden Skeleton, by Lifecycle Analysis: Feedback on the LCA Experiment from 2005, Marie-Pierre Boutin and Cyril Flamin. About the Authors Sofiane Amziane is Professor and head of the Civil Engineering department at POLYTECH Clermont-Ferrand in France. He is also in charge of the research program dealing with bio-based building materials at Blaise Pascal University (Institut Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France). He is the secretary of the RILEM Technical Committee 236-BBM dealing with bio-based building materials and the author or co-author of over one hundred papers in scientific journals such as Cement and Concrete Research, Composite Structures or Construction Building Materials as well as international conferences. Laurent Arnaud is a Bridges, Waters and Forestry Engineer (Ingenieur des Ponts, Eaux et Forets) and researcher at Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France. He is also Professor at ENTPE (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat). Trained in the field of mechanical engineering, his research has been directed toward the characterization and development of new materials for civil engineering and construction. He is head of the international committee at RILEM – BBM, as well as the author of more than one hundred publications, and holder of an international invention patent.
Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames
Автор: Noel Challamel
Год издания:
This book is focused on the theoretical and practical design of reinforced concrete beams, columns and frame structures. It is based on an analytical approach of designing normal reinforced concrete structural elements that are compatible with most international design rules, including for instance the European design rules – Eurocode 2 – for reinforced concrete structures. The book tries to distinguish between what belongs to the structural design philosophy of such structural elements (related to strength of materials arguments) and what belongs to the design rule aspects associated with specific characteristic data (for the material or loading parameters). Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames – Mechanics and Design deals with the fundamental aspects of the mechanics and design of reinforced concrete in general, both related to the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). A second book, entitled Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames – Section and Slender Member Analysis, deals with more advanced ULS aspects, along with instability and second-order analysis aspects. Some recent research results including the use of non-local mechanics are also presented. This book is aimed at Masters-level students, engineers, researchers and teachers in the field of reinforced concrete design. Most of the books in this area are very practical or code-oriented, whereas this book is more theoretically based, using rigorous mathematics and mechanics tools. Contents 1. Design at Serviceability Limit State (SLS). 2. Verification at Serviceability Limit State (SLS). 3. Concepts for the Design at Ultimate Limit State (ULS). 4. Bending-Curvature at Ultimate Limit State (ULS). Appendix 1. Cardano’s Method. Appendix 2. Steel Reinforcement Table. About the Authors Charles Casandjian was formerly Associate Professor at INSA (French National Institute of Applied Sciences), Rennes, France and the chairman of the course on reinforced concrete design. He has published work on the mechanics of concrete and is also involved in creating a web experience for teaching reinforced concrete design – BA-CORTEX. Noel Challamel is Professor in Civil Engineering at UBS, University of South Brittany in France and chairman of the EMI-ASCE Stability committee. His contributions mainly concern the dynamics, stability and inelastic behavior of structural components, with special emphasis on Continuum Damage Mechanics (more than 70 publications in International peer-reviewed journals). Christophe Lanos is Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Rennes 1 in France. He has mainly published work on the mechanics of concrete, as well as other related subjects. He is also involved in creating a web experience for teaching reinforced concrete design – BA-CORTEX. Jostein Hellesland has been Professor of Structural Mechanics at the University of Oslo, Norway since January 1988. His contribution to the field of stability has been recognized and magnified by many high-quality papers in famous international journals such as Engineering Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research and Journal of Structural Engineering.
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