Скачать книгу - Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks

How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and the Fischer-Tropsch process provides industrially tested solutions. This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the Fischer-Tropsch process, from the basic science and engineering to commercial issues. It covers industrial, economic, environmental, and fundamental aspects, with a specific focus on 'green' concepts such as sustainability, process improvement, waste-reduction, and environmental care. The result is a practical reference for researchers, engineers, and financial analysts working in the energy sector, who are interested in carbon conversion, fuel processing or synthetic fuel technologies. It is also an ideal introductory book on the Fischer-Tropsch process for graduate courses in chemistry and chemical engineering.

Гельминты хищных млекопитающих (семейство Canidae, Fischer, 1817) в естественных условиях и на зверофермах Гельминты хищных млекопитающих (семейство Canidae, Fischer, 1817) в естественных условиях и на зверофермах

Автор: Е. И. Анисимова

Год издания: 

В монографии преставлены результаты многолетних исследований, выполненных авторами в ГНПО «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по биоресурсам», в РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С. Н. Вышелесского» и Витебской Государственной академии ветеринарной медицины. Она написана главным образом на оригинальных материалах, собранных во время экспедиций, полевых выездов и при проведении экспериментальных работ. Рассматриваются вопросы формирования гельминтоценозов крупных хищных млекопитающих (волк, лисица, енотовидная собака) в различных условиях обитания. Приводятся данные по структуре гельминтоценозов и разнообразию гельминтов в диких популяциях псовых в различных ландшафтах Беларуси, а также по эпизоотологии гельминтозов песцов и лисиц в звероводческих хозяйствах республики. Особое внимание уделяется факторам воздействия гельминтов на организм и реакции экспериментальных животных на заражение гельминтами. Представляет интерес для паразитологов биологического и ветеринарного профиля, а также широкого круга специалистов в области рационального природопользования и охотничьего хозяйства.

Mass Transfer Processes with a Solid Phase Participation Mass Transfer Processes with a Solid Phase Participation

Автор: A. Razinov

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения магистров по направлению «Химическая технология» и его содержание соответствует ФГОС 3-го поколения для дисциплины «Процессы массопереноса в системах с участием твердой фазы». Изложенный в учебном пособии материал позволяет студентам восполнить и систематизировать знания по теории массообменных процессов, знакомит со спецификой массопереноса в системах с участием твердой фазы, а также с такими процессами, как адсорбция, ионный обмен, кристаллизация, растворение, мембранное разделение, конструкциями соответствующих аппаратов и методами их расчетов.

Engraving: Its Origin, Processes, and History Engraving: Its Origin, Processes, and History

Автор: Delaborde Henri

Год издания: 

Modern Islamic Banking. Products and Processes in Practice Modern Islamic Banking. Products and Processes in Practice

Автор: Natalie Schoon

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A complete, detailed guide to modern Islamic banking fundamentals Modern Islamic Bankingprovides a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute guide to the products, processes and legal doctrines underlying Islamic banking. Written by a pioneering practitioner in the field, this book provides thorough guidance and expert-level perspective on the principles and applications of this alternative-banking model. You'll begin by learning the fundamentals, vocabulary and key concepts of Islamic banking, then explore key products including istisna'a, murabaha, musharaka, ijara, sukuk, and salam. Coverage then moves into practical applications of Islamic products to a variety of contexts including asset management, treasury, risk management, venture capital, SME finance, micro-finance and taxation. Regulatory frameworks are discussed in detail, including extensive coverage of post-financial crisis Islamic bank valuation. Islamic banking has experienced rapid growth over the past decade, a trend that is set to continue given the sector's successful weathering of the financial crisis. This book brings you up to speed on this alternative way of banking, and shows you how it applies within your own current practices. Understand the principles of Islamic banking and finance Learn the products, vocabulary and key concepts of the field Consider the applications in a variety of financial contexts Explore the regulatory frameworks and valuation of Islamic banks Islamic banking practices differ from Western banking in fundamental ways – it's these differences that shielded the sector during the global crisis, but they also require practitioners to understand a whole new set of rules, products and practices. Modern Islamic Banking gives you a solid understanding of the fundamentals and expert insight into modern practical applications.

Financial Models with Levy Processes and Volatility Clustering Financial Models with Levy Processes and Volatility Clustering

Автор: Frank J. Fabozzi

Год издания: 

An in-depth guide to understanding probability distributions and financial modeling for the purposes of investment management In Financial Models with Levy Processes and Volatility Clustering, the expert author team provides a framework to model the behavior of stock returns in both a univariate and a multivariate setting, providing you with practical applications to option pricing and portfolio management. They also explain the reasons for working with non-normal distribution in financial modeling and the best methodologies for employing it. The book's framework includes the basics of probability distributions and explains the alpha-stable distribution and the tempered stable distribution. The authors also explore discrete time option pricing models, beginning with the classical normal model with volatility clustering to more recent models that consider both volatility clustering and heavy tails. Reviews the basics of probability distributions Analyzes a continuous time option pricing model (the so-called exponential Levy model) Defines a discrete time model with volatility clustering and how to price options using Monte Carlo methods Studies two multivariate settings that are suitable to explain joint extreme events Financial Models with Levy Processes and Volatility Clustering is a thorough guide to classical probability distribution methods and brand new methodologies for financial modeling.