This comprehensive book captures and compiles new and current information on hematologic malignancies. New knowledge of cellular disease processes, molecular pathology, and cytogenetic, epigenetic and genomic changes has influenced the current outlook toward haematological malignancies. This recent and ongoing expansion of knowledge on malignant hematology has not previously been utilized to its full capacity due to its diffuse distribution scattered over the internet and research publications. This book is written by experts from the American and European continent, sharing their current thoughts and knowledge on the pathobiology of malignant haematological diseases of the blood, as well as current treatment strategies and future developments in the area of these haematological diseases. Получить ссылку |
Complex-Valued Neural Networks. Advances and Applications
Автор: Akira Hirose
Год издания:
Presents the latest advances in complex-valued neural networks by demonstrating the theory in a wide range of applications Complex-valued neural networks is a rapidly developing neural network framework that utilizes complex arithmetic, exhibiting specific characteristics in its learning, self-organizing, and processing dynamics. They are highly suitable for processing complex amplitude, composed of amplitude and phase, which is one of the core concepts in physical systems to deal with electromagnetic, light, sonic/ultrasonic waves as well as quantum waves, namely, electron and superconducting waves. This fact is a critical advantage in practical applications in diverse fields of engineering, where signals are routinely analyzed and processed in time/space, frequency, and phase domains. Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications covers cutting-edge topics and applications surrounding this timely subject. Demonstrating advanced theories with a wide range of applications, including communication systems, image processing systems, and brain-computer interfaces, this text offers comprehensive coverage of: Conventional complex-valued neural networks Quaternionic neural networks Clifford-algebraic neural networks Presented by international experts in the field, Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications is ideal for advanced-level computational intelligence theorists, electromagnetic theorists, and mathematicians interested in computational intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning theories, and algorithms.
Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences. Advances in Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices
Автор: Bruno Pignataro
Год издания:
Written by some of the most talented young chemists in Europe, this text covers most of the groundbreaking issues in materials science. It provides an account of the latest research results in European materials chemistry based on a selection of leading young scientists participating in the 2008 European Young Chemists Award competition. The contributions range from nanotechnology to catalysis. In addition, the authors provide a current overview of their field of research and a preview of future directions. For materials scientists, as well as organic and analytical chemists.
Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences. Advances in Synthetic Chemistry
Автор: Bruno Pignataro
Год издания:
Written by some of the most talented young chemists in Europe, this text covers most of the groundbreaking issues in chemistry. It provides an account of the latest research results in European chemistry based on a selection of leading young scientists participating in the 2008 European Young Chemists Award competition. The contributions range from self-organization to new catalytic synthetic methodologies to organocatalysis. In addition, the authors provide a current overview of their field of research and a preview of future directions. For organic, catalytic, natural products and biochemists.
Multimedia Information Extraction. Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring
Автор: Mark Maybury T.
Год издания:
The advent of increasingly large consumer collections of audio (e.g., iTunes), imagery (e.g., Flickr), and video (e.g., YouTube) is driving a need not only for multimedia retrieval but also information extraction from and across media. Furthermore, industrial and government collections fuel requirements for stock media access, media preservation, broadcast news retrieval, identity management, and video surveillance. While significant advances have been made in language processing for information extraction from unstructured multilingual text and extraction of objects from imagery and video, these advances have been explored in largely independent research communities who have addressed extracting information from single media (e.g., text, imagery, audio). And yet users need to search for concepts across individual media, author multimedia artifacts, and perform multimedia analysis in many domains. This collection is intended to serve several purposes, including reporting the current state of the art, stimulating novel research, and encouraging cross-fertilization of distinct research disciplines. The collection and integration of a common base of intellectual material will provide an invaluable service from which to teach a future generation of cross disciplinary media scientists and engineers.
Oral Precancer. Diagnosis and Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders
Автор: Peter Thomson
Год издания:
Without early detection, oral cancer is deadly. Protect your patients by applying the latest clinical interventions. Rates of new oral cancer cases continue to increase and mortality rates remain alarmingly high. Oral cancer may be preceded by clinically identifiable precancerous changes in the oral mucosa, which offer a therapeutic window of opportunity to intervene and halt disease progression to carcinoma development. Written and edited by prominent researchers in the field, Oral Precancer: Reviews current scientific research on precancer conditions of the oral cavity providing evidence-based analysis of the nature and behavior of potentially malignant and deforming oral diseases Explains the principles of prevention, diagnosis and management of potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity Details a practical and reliable interventional treatment strategy to facilitate early diagnosis and effective treatment of both precancer and early invasive carcinoma Contains a chapter devoted to illustrative case histories, high-quality, color, clinical photos, reference sections in each chapter listing relevant review articles, and more From start to finish, Oral Precancer offers undergraduate students, clinicians, and professors an invaluable resource to minimise the morbidity and mortality of this most significant and life threatening of oral conditions.
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