Veterinary Surgical Oncology provides in-depth coverage of surgical techniques for treating cancer in small animal patients. Organized by body system, each chapter presents detailed, well-illustrated descriptions of surgical procedures, with additional information on diagnostic testing, aftercare, outcomes, and prognosis. Edited and authored by members of the Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncologists, Veterinary Surgical Oncology's comprehensive coverage of surgical treatments for cancer provides an invaluable decision-making tool and is equally useful for veterinary surgeons and veterinary oncologists. The book begins with introductory chapters on the principles of surgical oncology, multimodal therapy, and interventional radiology, then presents chapters on surgical techniques in all anatomical structures, including procedures not well covered in existing literature. The first book to focus on the surgical aspects of cancer treatment, Veterinary Surgical Oncology is an essential reference for anyone with an interest in surgical oncology. Получить ссылку |
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion. Equine Theriogenology
Автор: Carla Carleton L.
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Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Theriogenology provides quick access to essential information on common techniques and conditions in equine reproductive practice. Part of the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult series, this resource builds on the reproduction section of Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine to present expanded theriogenology coverage with clinical photographs. With information ranging from artificial insemination and fetal sexing to parentage testing and vaccination programs, the book offers 158 similarly formatted chapters to help practitioners efficiently manage reproductive health in the mare and stallion and confidently treat fetal and neonatal patients.
Veterinary Forensics. Animal Cruelty Investigations
Автор: Melinda Merck
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Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout. Logs and workbooks from the book are available on a companion website at www.wiley.com/go/vetforensics, allowing readers to download, customize, and use these forms in forensics investigations. Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases.
Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology
Автор: Kenneth Latimer S.
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Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a highly accessible outline format. With information on all major domestic species, the text is designed for the reader to quickly find answers to clinical questions. Taking a problem-solving approach to the interpretation of laboratory data, this book includes clinical cases to illustrate the concepts of laboratory data interpretation, with tables and key words to aid readers in locating and applying information. The fifth edition has been fully revised to reflect the latest knowledge, diagnostic methods, and practices in veterinary laboratory medicine. A companion website provides the images in PowerPoint and references linked to PubMed at www.wiley.com/go/latimer. Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine is an excellent quick reference for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, clinical interns and residents, and pathology residents.
Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology. Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients
Автор: Mario Lacouture E.
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The first book focusing specifically on frequent and frequently disabling side effects involving the skin, hair and nails in cancer patients According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately thirty million people living with a diagnosis of cancer – the majority of whom will receive surgery, systemic therapy, and/or radiation, and who will suffer from dermatologic adverse events. Dermatologists and oncologists are only beginning to grapple with these events, which pose serious quality-of-life issues with so many patients, and will become more prevalent as survival rates improve, thanks in part to new cancer treatments and drug regimens. Concentrating on a topic that has only been briefly touched upon by other texts, this book offers a focused perspective on the clinical presentation, underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and management of skin, hair, and nail conditions for oncologists, dermatologists, and allied practitioners. Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology: Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients: • Covers in detail the dermatologic adverse events of oncologic therapies, clinical presentations, and treatment recommendations • Enables dermatologists and other practitioners to significantly improve the care of patients with cancer • Addresses the dermatologic adverse events of cancer therapies used globally, of which a large number are found in developing countries • Emphasizes prophylactic measures – based on treatments used and type of cancer – to prevent the appearance of adverse events • Provides built-in discussions on patient education for practical counseling during therapies • Offers rapid-reference sections on topical dermatology drugs The first book to present dermatologic conditions in cancer patients and survivors in a uniform and in-depth manner, Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology is ideal for oncologists, oncology nurses, and dermatologists who wish to take better care of those with adverse skin, hair, and nail conditions.
Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Автор: Nancy Scanlan
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Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first resource on holistic veterinary care written specifically for the veterinary technician. Organized by treatment modality, the book offers practical information designed to help readers develop an understanding of each modality, assist with procedures associated with holistic medicine, and knowledgeably discuss treatment options with clients. Outlining the respective roles of technicians and veterinarians throughout, this book is a welcome reference for readers looking to expand their knowledge of complementary veterinary medicine and introduce additional treatment options in their practice.
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