This third volume in the successful 'Drug Discovery in Infectious Diseases' series is the first to deal with drug discovery in helminthic infections in human and animals. The result is a broad overview of different drug target evaluation methods, including specific examples of successful drug development against helminthes, and with a whole section devoted to vaccine development. With its well-balanced mix of high-profile contributors from academia and industry, this handbook and reference will appeal to a wide audience, including parasitologists, pharmaceutical industry, epidemiologists, and veterinary scientists. Получить ссылку |
Tap, Click, Read. Growing Readers in a World of Screens
Автор: Lisa Guernsey
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A guide to promoting literacy in the digital age With young children gaining access to a dizzying array of games, videos, and other digital media, will they ever learn to read? The answer is yes—if they are surrounded by adults who know how to help and if they are introduced to media designed to promote literacy, instead of undermining it. Tap, Click, Read gives educators and parents the tools and information they need to help children grow into strong, passionate readers who are skilled at using media and technology of all kinds—print, digital, and everything in between. In Tap, Click, Read authors Lisa Guernsey and Michael H. Levine envision a future that is human-centered first and tech-assisted second. They document how educators and parents can lead a new path to a place they call 'Readialand'—a literacy-rich world that marries reading and digital media to bring knowledge, skills, and critical thinking to all of our children. This approach is driven by the urgent need for low-income children and parents to have access to the same 21st-century literacy opportunities already at the fingertips of today's affluent families.With stories from homes, classrooms and cutting edge tech labs, plus accessible translation of new research and compelling videos, Guernsey and Levine help educators, parents, and America's leaders tackle the questions that arise as digital media plays a larger and larger role in children's lives, starting in their very first years of life. Tap, Click, Read includes an analysis of the exploding app marketplace and provides useful information on new review sites and valuable curation tools. It shows what to avoid and what to demand in today's apps and e-books—as well as what to seek in community preschools, elementary schools and libraries. Peppered with the latest research from fields as diverse as neuroscience and behavioral economics and richly documented examples of best practices from schools and early childhood programs around the country, Tap, Click, Read will show you how to: Promote the adult-child interactions that help kids grow into strong readers Learn how to use digital media to build a foundation for reading and success Discover new tools that open up avenues for creativity, critical thinking, and knowledge-building that today's children need The book's accompanying website keeps you updated on new research and provides vital resources to help parents, schools and community organizations.
27 Club. How the idols were dying. Sex, drugs and rock and roll
Автор: Jim Jones
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Forever young musicians. Full list and rare facts. The list of «27 Club» is not limited to Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison. In this unusual club more than 40 names! Richie Edwards, Dmitry Chekov, Alexander Korzhov, Mia Katherine Zapata, Igor Chumychkin, Pete da Freitas and many others! So talented, so young. What other beautiful music could they give the world if they did not leave so early?
Inside the FDA. The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat
Автор: Fran Hawthorne
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The forces that shape America's most powerful consumer agency Because of the importance of what it regulates, the FDA comes under tremendous political, industry, and consumer pressure. But the pressure goes far beyond the ordinary lobbying of Washington trade groups. Its mandate-one quarter of the national economy-brings the FDA into the middle of some of the most important and contentious issues of modern society. From «designer» babies and abortion to the price of prescription drugs and the role of government itself, Inside the FDA takes readers on an intriguing journey into the world of today's most powerful consumer agency. In a time when companies continue to accuse the FDA of nitpicking and needlessly delaying needed new drugs, and consumers are convinced that the agency bends to industry pressure by rushing unsafe drugs to market, Inside the FDA digs deep to reveal the truth. Through scores of interviews and real-world stories, Hawthorne also shows how and why the agency makes some of its most controversial decisions as well as how its recent reaction to certain issues-including the revolutionary cancer drug Erbitux, stem cell research, and bioengineering of food-may jeopardize its ability to keep up with future scientific developments. Inside the FDA takes a closer look at the practices, people, and politics of this crucial watchdog in light of the competing pressures and trends of modern society, revealing what the FDA is supposed to do, what it actually does-and fails to do-who it influences, and how it could better fulfill its mandate. The decisions that the FDA makes are literally life and death. Inside the FDA provides a sophisticated account of how this vitally important agency struggles to balance bureaucracy and politics with its overriding mission to promote the country's health.
Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials
Автор: Wieslaw Kazmierski M.
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This book focuses on new small molecule approaches to combat viral infections. The chapters describe the discovery and development from bench through the clinic of relatively recently-approved antiviral drugs and compounds in advanced clinical development. Organized by a virus (such as HIV, HCV, RSV, influenza, HBV and CMV) and written by top academic and industrial authorities in the field, the book provides a unique opportunity to study, understand and apply discovery and development principles and learning without the need for an individual to research, analyze and synthesize all immense sourcing references. Topics showcase challenges and solutions of issues encountered, offering tremendous experience accumulated over many years of research that will be particularly useful to basic and bench scientists as well as clinicians as they continue discovering and developing new drugs and therapies.
Cancer Stem Cells. Identification and Targets
Автор: Sharmila Bapat A.
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Because the concept and discoveries of cancer stem cells are relatively new, scientists and researchers need an introduction to this dynamic area. Cancer Stem Cells presents a consolidated account of the research done to date and recent progresses in the studies of cancer stem cells. Such a presentation facilitates a better understanding of and draws attention to stem cell and cancer biology – two fields that enhance, move, and evolve into each other continuously. It provides an informative study in designing approaches to apply stem cell principles to cancer biology while offering an overview of the challenges in developing combination stem and cancer biology targets for therapeutics. This book serves as a primer for new researchers in the field of cancer biology.
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