Скачать книгу - Respiratory Medicine, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered

Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered This essential title in the Clinical Cases Uncovered series includes many important scenarios in respiratory medicine that feature in real-life clinical practice. Everything is covered, from respiratory arrest and asthma to environmental effects and abnormal chest X-rays. Anatomy, physiology and the relevant pathological background feature in the basic science section, with important advice on the approach to the patient. The self-assessment section at the end is crucial to testing your understanding, giving you the best possible preparation. For further information, visit www.clinicalcasesuncovered.com

Academic Skills through Cases in American Studies Academic Skills through Cases in American Studies

Автор: Екатерина Талалакина

Год издания: 

‘Academic Skills through Cases in American Studies’ is aimed at ESL college students at the Intermediate-high through Advanced levels of language proficiency. It is designed around eight country-specific (U.S.) cases that develop academic skills tested on international exams. The book covers major topics in the areas of academic reading, speaking and writing. Thus, the targeted learning outcome is two-fold: 1) to explore topical issues in American studies and 2) to master key academic skills. The content of the articles in each unit is selected according to the language needs of students majoring in economics, sociology, political science, and the like. The book can be used both as a supplement to a course in American Studies or as a separate curriculum within an academic skills course.

Letters from the count de Las Cases Letters from the count de Las Cases

Автор: Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne Las Cases

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Letters from the count de Las Cases : consisting of a 2d letter to Prince Lucien Bonaparte, in which is contained an account of the circumstances attending his arrest and removal from St. Helena : and a letter to Sir Hudson Lowe, comprising an historical detail of the whole of that officer's government at St. Helena, and his oppressive conduct towards Napoleon and his suite : with an appendix of official correspondence, between Sir Hudson Lowe and count de lLs Cases : to which is prefixed, a copious introduction, and the whole interspersed with explanatory notes».

Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality Futurological forecast. post —industrial civilization – nanotechnologies – nanomedicine – immortality

Автор: Victor Gryaznov

Год издания: 

Futurological forecast. What is a post-industrial civilization. Nanotechnologies. Nanomedicine. Immortality. Already now for 3 million dollars it is possible to buy cyber immortality.

Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why

Автор: Allen Martha Meir

Год издания: 

The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604)) The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604))

Автор: Bourke John Gregory

Год издания: