Avoiding Audit Pitfalls offers real case studies covering a comprehensive range of challenges and mistakes that any accountant can make during the course of their career. Focusing on everyday mistakes and failures common to auditors in all territories worldwide, the book will cover audit failures that have led to fraud going undetected as well as failure to accurately assess a firm's ability to continue. This book will appeal not only to general accountants and auditors but also to forensic accountant, and students in the field. Получить ссылку |
Adobe Audition 1.5. Официальный учебный курс
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Официальный учебный курс - это серия книг-бестселлеров, которая позволяет быстро и легко освоить все программы компании Adobe. Официальный учебный курс даст Вам то, чего Вы не найдете в других книгах, - так как учебные курсы этой книжной серии разработаны экспертами компании Adobe и протестированы ее специалистами. Книга "Adobe Audition 1.5. Официальный учебный курс." состоит из 13 пошаговых уроков, в которых профессиональные звукорежиссеры знакомят Вас со всеми возможностями программы Audition, предназначенной для обработки звука. В серии уроков содержаться пошаговые инструкции, которые научат Вас работать с огромным набором инструментов Audition, позволяющим микшировать звуковые дорожки, анализировать их содержимое, создавать циклы, редактировать и настраивать содержимое записей.
People-Centric Skills. Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals
Автор: Manny Rosenfeld
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Business Professionals, to be Truly Effective and Advance in their Careers, Must Master their People-Centric Skills. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals is a comprehensive guide to the «soft skills» that make technical professionals more effective. People-Centric Skills aim to improve all aspects of personal interactions, relationship development, and communication. These skills are as essential to success as are technical capabilities. This is the story of a leading internal audit department taking that next step to becoming a world-class audit organization in a fictional company. The foundation of that next step is developing their People-Centric Skills. The book demonstrates the impact that interpersonal and communication skills – whether good or bad – have on an auditor's effectiveness, job, and career. Readers will be able to empathize with the characters, and relate to the real-life situations in which they find themselves. Each chapter features a summary of key People-Centric points and guidelines that will help readers apply what they've learned to their own projects and departments. In a 2013 study sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors («IIA»), the seven key attribute areas identified to be a successful auditor include relationship building, partnering, communications, teamwork, diversity, continuous learning and integrity. Unfortunately, most professionals never obtain these skills as part of their college degrees, certifications and other ongoing training. They are left to their own devices when it comes to developing these talents. The book follows an easy-to-read fictional narrative to highlight areas for improvement, and uses common scenarios to illustrate how to apply the lessons. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals focuses on many of these critical attributes. Topics include: Conflict Management Coaching and Mentoring Building an Effective Team and Team Dynamics Team Leadership Partnering and Relationship Building Effective Meeting Practices Brainstorming and Multivoting Assessing Corporate Culture Active Listening Non-verbal Communications Consensus Building These skills apply not only to internal auditors but also transfer across a broad range of business professions and industries, and from professional to personal life. They open doors, establish effective relationships, improve effectiveness, and can turn a «no» into a «yes.» They are the true differentiator in advancing a career. For an auditor to be truly effective, great people skills are one of the most important tools in the box. People-Centric Skills: Interpersonal and Communication Skills for Auditors and Business Professionals is a straightforward guide to getting along, getting what you want in a constructive manner, and becoming a world-class professional.
Internal Control Audit and Compliance. Documentation and Testing Under the New COSO Framework
Автор: Lynford Graham
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Ease the transition to the new COSO framework with practical strategy Internal Control Audit and Compliance provides complete guidance toward the latest framework established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). With clear explanations and expert advice on implementation, this helpful guide shows auditors and accounting managers how to document and test internal controls over financial reporting with detailed sections covering each element of the framework. Each section highlights the latest changes and new points of emphasis, with explicit definitions of internal controls and how they should be assessed and tested. Coverage includes easing the transition from older guidelines, with step-by-step instructions for implementing the new changes. The new framework identifies seventeen new principles, each of which are explained in detail to help readers understand the new and emerging best practices for efficiency and effectiveness. The revised COSO framework includes financial and non-financial reporting, as well as both internal and external reporting objectives. It is essential for auditors and controllers to understand the new framework and how to document and test under the new guidance. This book clarifies complex codification and provides an effective strategy for a more rapid transition. Understand the new COSO internal controls framework Document and test internal controls to strengthen business processes Learn how requirements differ for public and non-public companies Incorporate improved risk management into the new framework The new framework is COSO's first complete revision since the release of the initial framework in 1992. Companies have become accustomed to the old guidelines, and the necessary procedures have become routine – making the transition to align with the new framework akin to steering an ocean liner. Internal Control Audit and Compliance helps ease that transition, with clear explanation and practical implementation guidance.
Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Автор: Jiayi Liu
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A comprehensive guide to China's public, private, and internal audit system Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics provides a comprehensive overview of China's auditing practices. Recent years have seen the National Audit Office of China (CNAO) making remarkable headway not only in China by guaranteeing the healthy operation of the economy and society and improving national governance through government auditing, but also in the international arena by carrying out audits with the United Nations. With constant development in the practice, an audit theory with socialist Chinese characteristics has taken shape, centering on the premise that government auditing serves as the cornerstone and safeguard of national governance. At the XXI INCOSAI held in 2013 in Beijing, the theme of “national audit and national governance” proposed and chaired by CNAO, was met with widespread approval by participants from over 160 countries, and led to the endorsement of the Beijing Declaration, which makes it a priority and target for audit institutions to promote good national governance. To explore the nature and development of government auditing, this book probes into the history and reality, and theories and practices of auditing in various countries, and puts forward the assertion that, “as a cornerstone and important safeguard for national governance, government auditing is an ‘immune system’ endogenous within the synthetical system of national governance, with functions of precaution, revelation and defense.” Furthermore, China’s socialist auditing theory has been elaborated in nine aspects, nature, functions, goals, features, methods, management, framework of regulations and standards, IT application and culture, covering the new concepts, methodologies, techniques and achievements of China's government auditing. This book is highly relevant, practical, and readable. Jiayi Liu, the chief author, is the Auditor General of China and the current Chairman of INTOSAI Governing Board. In 2013 he won the United Nations Peace Prize in recognition of his auditing work for UN peacekeeping operations.
Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Автор: Jiayi Liu
Год издания:
A comprehensive, authoritative examination of Chinese auditing practices Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics provides unprecedented insight into China's current audit process, with expert contributions and predictions of future trends. Author Jiayi Liu is the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China, and the current chairman of the governing boards of the International Organizations of Supreme Audit Institutions; in this book, he draws upon his vast experience to help you better understand China's unique approach to auditing. Contributions from senior auditors across the China National Audit Office share deep insight into the system's framework, features, and development, providing a comprehensive, systematic examination of current, past, and future practices. As a leading global auditing authority, Liu is the ideal source of information and clarity on China's auditing system. This book opens up the practices, processes, and foundational aspects of this complex system to provide insight for those doing business in China. Understand the foundation of the Chinese auditing system Learn how the system was created and developed over time Delve into the system's framework and detailed features Gain first-hand insight into China's auditing experience Developed as a companion to Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, this book expands upon the system's basic foundations to show how theory translates into practice. Companies who do business in China need a working knowledge of the system, and a scientific examination from the definitive authority provides a level of insight you won't find anywhere else. Study on the Auditing System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is the essential primer to the Chinese audit.
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