Praise for The Learner-Centered Curriculum «Cullen, Harris, and Hill provide a clear and practical framework for addressing the root of the problems of today's universities. The authors provide a lucid, actionable, and evidence-based prescription for building an integrated learning system to replace the hodgepodge of miscellany that we have inherited. They illustrate the kind of conversations and transformations that could raise the value of and change the prospects for higher education.»—John Tagg, author, The Learning Paradigm College «This book offers a powerful, realistic, and much-needed plan for changing how learning happens in higher education. Anyone concerned about improving teaching and students' learning needs to read this book!»—Terry Doyle, author, Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment «To help achieve the imperative to make our universities more learner-centered, the authors focus on curriculum redesign and offer a solid theoretical approach combined with applied skills that institutional leaders and faculty can use to attain their goals. Shared governance, autonomous learning, assessment, technology, and physical space are among the elements discussed in this excellent book that universities will need to consider when developing a new curriculum that is more learner-centered.»—Jolene Koester, president, California State University, Northridge «Cullen, Harris, and Hill provide a thought-provoking resource with the compelling advantages and frameworks to create twenty-first-century student-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered curriculum. This is a must-read for faculty and administrators committed to transforming their curriculum in order to educate better prepared graduates.»—Deborah L. Ford, chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Parkside «This is the book that I have been looking for. Written by three leaders who have done the heavy lifting of leading real change, it's a book for every academic leader who understands that innovation is essential to the future of higher education.»—Earl H. Potter, III, president, St. Cloud State University Получить ссылку |
How To Start Your Own PR-Agency In Russia? Anti-Learner's Guide
Автор: Роман Масленников
Год издания:
In what there is a value of PR-officer occupation? What useful things do they do? In what there is a creation of work? In what there is a great mission? In what there is a profit for self-actualization, for clients, for society?
At first PR-officers are worried with these questions; clients who have no more money for PR are also worried, besides people who count money are worried as well. Why do we overpay to an organized crowd of bullshitters, if a secretary, any staff advertising manager or a marketer, or at the worst I myself (when there is no work I’d better wag my tongue instead of wasting time) can manage with all that things.
Where is fun for those who hire PR-agency? Let’s leave it for those who still hire PR-agency, and will no ramble it on a secretary who is irresponsible for advertising or marketing, or on ourselves. Perhaps we’ll return to it later, perhaps we won’t.
Something about Martha. Short stories for English learners
Автор: Ida Rodich
Год издания:
The bilingual book (English-Russian) contains warm-hearted everyday stories useful to children and adults. Excellent illustrations. Corrector is a native English speaker. Двуязычная книга (английский и русский языки) содержит душевные истории из повседневной жизни, полезные для детей и взрослых. Красивые иллюстрации. Корректор – носитель английского языка.
The Internet and Young Learners
Автор: Gordon Lewis
Год издания:
This book combines Internet resources with structured classroom activities to maximize learning potential. The activities are firmly anchored in children's experiences and include purposeful tasks with a clear language component.
Grammar for Young Learners
Автор: Gordon Lewis
Год издания:
Helps teachers of young learners introduce and practise grammar in a fun and motivating way. Steers a middle course between grammar-based and communicative approaches to teaching: meaning is the main focus of all language teaching and grammar is an intrinsic part of making meaning explicit
Projects with Young Learners
Автор: Diane Phillips
Год издания:
Contains practical, tried-and-tested ideas and materials for planning, organizing, and carrying out project work with children aged between 5 and 13.
Combines language and skills development with activities which challenge young learners and motivate them to be independent.
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