This clear and self-contained review of the last four decades of research highlights in the hot field of nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals, particularly of borate-based ultraviolet and deep-ultraviolet NLO crystals, covers three major subjects: the structure-property relationship in borate crystals, the structural and optical characteristics of various promising borate crystals, and their fruitful applications in a wide range of scientific and technological fields. Edited by the discoverers and users of these optical borate crystals, this is a readily accessible reading for semiconductor, applied and solid state physicists, materials scientists, solid state chemists, manufacturers of optoelectronic devices, and those working in the optical industry. Получить ссылку |
Collaborate. The Art of We
Автор: Dan Sanker
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The hands-on guide for the new way to compete: Collaboration The 21st Century's counterpart to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Dan Sanker's Collaborate: The Art of We gives a new generation of pioneering business enthusiasts a practical guide to capture tomorrow's opportunities. Globalization, technological advances, and cultural changes have opened the door for a new winning formula that combines traditional competition with contemporary collaborative business practices. Readers will change their mindsets and learn practical tools to tap into talent, overcome organizational obstacles, and create dramatic incremental value by collaborating between organizations. While most businesses are battling it out for crumbs of market share, the author gives inside examples of emerging leaders who are staking claim to larger pieces of the economic pie. Intellectual honesty and proof-of-concept permeate throughout; even the book's own foreword was entrusted to a collaborative group of over 35 individual participants, a first of its kind and one more concrete example of the power of collaboration. Sanker provides a comprehensive guide to collaboration from conception to implementation and analysis. He brings collaboration to life by: Exploring the opportunities created by dynamic online social tools being used by winning leaders Delving into examples from a plethora of traditional companies like Disney and McDonald's Inviting readers behind the curtains to see the inner workings of collaborative emerging growth companies like CaseStack, the author’s company
Building Electro-Optical Systems. Making It all Work
Автор: Philip C. D. Hobbs
Год издания:
Praise for the First Edition «Now a new laboratory bible for optics researchers has joined the list: it is Phil Hobbs's Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work.» —Tony Siegman, Optics & Photonics News Building a modern electro-optical instrument may be the most interdisciplinary job in all of engineering. Be it a DVD player or a laboratory one-off, it involves physics, electrical engineering, optical engineering, and computer science interacting in complex ways. This book will help all kinds of technical people sort through the complexity and build electro-optical systems that just work, with maximum insight and minimum trial and error. Written in an engaging and conversational style, this Second Edition has been updated and expanded over the previous edition to reflect technical advances and a great many conversations with working designers. Key features of this new edition include: Expanded coverage of detectors, lasers, photon budgets, signal processing scheme planning, and front ends Coverage of everything from basic theory and measurement principles to design debugging and integration of optical and electronic systems Supplementary material is available on an ftp site, including an additional chapter on thermal Control and Chapter problems highly relevant to real-world design Extensive coverage of high performance optical detection and laser noise cancellation Each chapter is full of useful lore from the author's years of experience building advanced instruments. For more background, an appendix lists 100 good books in all relevant areas, introductory as well as advanced. Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work, Second Edition is essential reading for researchers, students, and professionals who have systems to build.
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Автор: Nissim Garti
Год издания:
This book will describe fundamentals and recent developments in the area of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architecture and their relevance to the understanding of the functionality of membranes as delivery systems for active ingredients. As the heirarchial architectures determine their performance capabilities, attention will be paid to theoretical and design aspects related to the construction of lyotropic liquid crystals: mesophases such as lamellar, hexagonal, cubic, sponge phase micellosomes. The book will bring to the reader mechanistic aspects, compositional considerations, transition within phases, solubilization capacities, drug entrapment and release mechanisms and transmembrane, transdermal, and other transport phenomena. It will stress the importance of these mesostructures to crystallization and polymorphism of drugs, fats, and nutraceuticals and will discuss regioselectivity of organic and enzymatic reactions that take place at interfaces and within the channels of the mesophase. The book will bring studies on the use of these mesophase as crystallization or particulation media for the formation of nanoparticles and nanocrystals. Chapters will discuss applications in the areas of pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, plastics, paper, agro-chemistry and industrial applications.
Colour and the Optical Properties of Materials. An Exploration of the Relationship Between Light, the Optical Properties of Materials and Colour
Автор: Richard J. D. Tilley
Год издания:
Colour and the Optical Properties of Materials carefully introduces the science behind the subject, along with many modern and cutting-edge applications, chosen to appeal to today's students. For science students, it provides a broad introduction to the subject and the many applications of colour. To more applied students, such as engineering and arts students, it provides the essential scientific background to colour and the many applications. New to this Edition: The chapter framework of the first edition will be retained, with each chapter being substantially rewritten and some material would be relocated. Some chapters will be rewritten in a clearer fashion, e.g. There have been no significant advances in the understanding of rainbows recently, but the text could be clarified and improved. Colour has been an important attribute of many nano-particle containing systems, such as quantum dots. This aspect will be included, e.g. the colour of gold ruby glass, described in Chapter 5 as part of scattering phenomena now is better treated in terms of gold nanoparticles and surface plasmons. This would probably be transferred to Chapter 10 and considered in tandem with the colour of metals such as copper, silver and gold. A similar state of affairs applies to silver nanoparticles and polychromic glass. Some chapters will include extensive new material, e.g. Chapter 8, colours due to molecular processes [organic LEDs etc], and Chapter 12, Displays, [touch screen technologies]. For all chapters it would be intended to take into account the current scientific literature up to the time of submission – say up to the end of 2009. The end of chapter Further Reading sections would reflect this up-to-date overview. The end of chapter problems will be strengthened and expanded.
Optical Communication with Chaotic Lasers. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization
Автор: Atsushi Uchida
Год издания:
Starting with an introduction to the fundamental physics in chaotic instabilities in laser systems, this comprehensive and unified reference goes on to present the techniques and technology of synchronization of chaos in coupled lasers, as well as the many applications to lasers and optics, communications, security and information technology. Throughout, it presents the current state of knowledge, including encoding/decoding techniques, performance of chaotic communication systems, random number generation, and novel communication technologies.
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