Mesoporous materials are a class of molecules with a large and uniform pore size, highly regular nanopores, and a large surface area. This book is devoted to all aspects and types of these materials and describes, in an in-depth and systematic manner, the step-by-step synthesis and its mechanism, as well as the characterization, morphology control, hybridization, and applications, of mesoporous molecular sieves. In so doing, it covers silicates, metal-doped silicates, nonsilicates, and organic-inorganic hybrids. Although the emphasis is on synthesis, the expert authors also discuss characterization and applications, ranging from catalysis and biochemistry to optics and the use of these materials as templates for nanomaterial synthesis. Both the fundamentals and the latest research results are covered, ensuring that this monograph serves as a reference for researchers in and newcomers to the field. Получить ссылку |
Installation of noise insulation materials car, in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
The theory of the emergence and spread of noise in the car
Methods for noise control in the vehicle
Review of materials used in sound insulation
Installation diagram noise insulation coating
Examples of sound insulation installation
Repair of car interiors, methods, equipment, materials, in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Upholstery tools and materials
Manual dismantling of interior parts
Mastering the art of sewing
Making upholstery pattern
Examples of ready patterns
Installation instructions autocovers
Leather interior with their own hands
Padding of the saloon ceiling
We produce door skin
Padding vinyl interior
Padding upholstery motorcycle seats
Renovation of the old sagging armchair
Eliminating failures heated seat
Nano Textile upholstery
Technology smart car flocking
The interiors of the converted cars
High Energy Intensive Materials (Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics). Part I. Explosives
Автор: Э. М. Муртазина
Год издания:
В основе учебного пособия лежит идея взаимосвязанного и одновременного развития профессиональных и коммуникативных языковых компетенций, необходимых в профессиональном общении будущих специалистов в области высокоэнергетических материалов. Цель пособия – подвести студентов к чтению оригинальной литературы по специальности и ведению беседы на темы, предусмотренные программой языковой подготовки третьего поколения.
The English Teacher's Survival Guide. Ready-To-Use Techniques and Materials for Grades 7-12
Автор: Katherine McKnight S.
Год издания:
Problem-solving techniques for all aspects of the English teacher's job This unique time-saving book is packed with tested techniques and materials to assist new and experienced English teachers with virtually every phase of their job from lesson planning to effective discipline techniques. The book includes 175 easy-to-understand strategies, lessons, checklists, and forms for effective classroom management and over 50 reproducible samples teachers can adopt immediately for planning, evaluation, or assignments. It is filled with creative and functional ideas for reading response activities, writing assignments, group and individual projects, and speeches. Offers instructions for creating and implementing an effective classroom-wide behavior management program Shows how to practice the art of teaching English effectively and reduce time on labor intensive tasks Reveals how to work effectively with parents, colleagues, substitute teachers, administrators, and community resources The second edition includes coverage of technology in the classroom, advice for working with reluctant readers, a wealth of sample teaching units and more.